Conan O'Brien To Perform Exclusive Sydney Show Next Month

Conan O'Brien to perform one-off Sydney show February 2019.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Award-winning comedian, talk show host, podcast producer and much, much more, Conan O'Brien has announced an Australian tour that will feature only one show - an exclusive performance in Sydney - next month.

With the return next week of his hit late-night show 'Conan' (back 4 days a week with a new, 30-minute format), Conan has kept himself busy recently launching his new podcast 'Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend' that has included guests Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell and Kristen Bell.

"My three-month absence can only mean one thing - radical, cosmetic surgery," Conan says about the revamp of 'Conan'. "Tune in for a true freak show!"

Dubbed 'Conan & His Australian Friends', Conan will perform at the State Theatre (Sydney) on Wednesday 20 February.

General public tickets go on sale Friday 25 January (10am EDT). Click here for more information.

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