Bec Sandys' 5 Things You Need In Order To Stop A Woolshed Party Going Off The Rails

Bec Sandys
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Kiwi comedian Bec Sandys is going off the rails.

She'll bring her unique brand of comedy to Melbourne International Comedy Festival with her latest show, covering everything from 'Vitamin A' antics at Woolshed parties, to Y2K revelations.

The self-proclaimed cricket tragic hails from small-town New Zealand, kicking off her career in comedy in 2017 with a style of brutally honest, hilarious storytelling.

Since, she's received accolades and been nominated for a variety of awards, including the NZ Comedy Guild Breakthrough Comedian Of The Year, Best Producer, and Outstanding Contribution To The Comedy Industry.

Bec's Melbourne International Comedy Festival debut was last year, with 'Happy Cabbage'. Now she's back, with 'Off The Rails'.

Here, Bec shares five things you need in order to stop a Woolshed party going. . . You guessed it. . . Off the rails.


A getaway car. Whether it’s a Torana that your best friend's older sister's boyfriend borrowed from his cousin Steve, or the Holden ute you fell asleep in the back of at the last party, you need an exit plan just in case (it goes off the rails).


Double-check who you’re pashing. If you get caught pashing up your cousin or your best mate's secret crush or that six-foot bogan chick’s boyfriend, it won't just be the party that goes off the rails!


Have at least three AC/DC songs on a mixtape. You need to know at least three AC/DC songs or have them ready to chuck in the tape deck, in case Gazza and Muzza start a scrap over who drank their last beer.


Don’t piss on an electric fence. Ask Shane – he did it three times in one year! It was so gnarly it bucked him across the creek and he was carted away in the ambulance for third degree burns (had burning pains when he peed, for a month!)


A hose! Has many uses – you can put out the bonfire that was made from your neighbour's fence and the bogan chick's ex's car; you can hose down Shane, and it's great for making bongs!

Bec Sandys plays Tasma Terrace (Melbourne International Comedy Festival) 8-21 April.

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