Amos Gill On Having A Laugh And Giving His Audiences Biting Satire

Amos Gill
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Fresh from headlining shows over in the USA, our own Amos Gill is hitting home turf for an Australian tour.

Amos has won himself fans and accolades in Australia and around the world – he's played everywhere from Sydney Opera House to Madison Square Garden, having originally travelled to America in 2018 to crack the comedy scene.

From humble beginnings in stand-up and radio to playing to international audiences and opening for the likes of Jim Jefferies, Amos is a comedic force to be reckoned with. He's hitting the road this June/July with his show 'You've Wrecked The Joint'.

We sit down and chat with Amos ahead of the shows.

You’ve been a busy boy! Tell us what it’s been like to play shows over in the USA.
It’s mostly eating really bad food in cities and towns riddled with fentanyl addicts. I’ve been headlining clubs all over the country and I love it. There’s a big industry and they respect stand-up.

You’ve also toured with Jim Jefferies. How’s that been?!
Jim's a good friend and when I tour with him the hotels are nicer.

Looking ahead, what’s on the horizon for you?
I’m writing this in Venice Beach. In the distance I see palm trees and a massive homeless encampment.

For anyone new to your comedy, how would you describe it?
Funny and hopefully not the same soft centre left takes you see everywhere in Australia.

What got you into the world of comedy, and what has KEPT you in it?
I got into comedy as it became clear I would not be drafted into the AFL. What keeps me in comedy. An economist would suggest it was The Sunk Cost Fallacy in full effect. Here’s the definition and it sounds right: 'The sunk cost fallacy is when we continue an action because of our past decisions (time, money, resources) rather than a rational choice which will maximise our future'.

And why do you think it’s important, especially in our world right now?
We’re just the band playing some tunes as the Titanic goes down. I’m laughing at the idea of other comedians answering this question like a thesis about comedy’s ability to 'speak truth to power'. Satire will stop the creeping technocracy and dystopian hell. Lol. Nah, We’re blowing off some steam and having a laugh. It’s nice to laugh isn’t it.

What advice would you have for aspiring Aussie comics wanting to make it big?
Leave the country. Go to the UK or America. This place wants milk toast. You’ll make yourself less interesting to do The Whip on 'The Project'. Swing hard.

What can we expect from this fresh hour of comedy?
Satire so biting, Putin has no choice but to come to peace talks with concessions.

Amos Gill 2022 Australia Tour

23 June – Comedy Store (Sydney)
30 June – Arkaba Hotel (Adelaide)
3 July – Astor Theatre (Perth)
10 July – Brisbane Powerhouse
15 July – The Comic's Lounge (Melbourne)

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