Akmal Is Seeing Red (Flags)

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Akmal returns, with a brand-new, hilarious show. . . And an even better show title.

'Red Flags' could be up there with the best. The title alone demonstrates Akmal's ability to come up with original, thought-provoking names for shows, according to reputable sources like The Newspaper.

You may have seen Akmal just about everywhere, and if you haven't seen him, you've probably heard him on the airwaves.

He's appeared at festivals across Australia and around the world, including Adelaide Fringe, Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Montreal's Just For Laughs Festival, Edinburgh Fringe, and more.

This new show, 'Red Flags', comes with a warning: it's so funny, it's advised you only see five or six minutes of it.

With Akmal unleashing the full hour on audiences, he sat down with us for a chat.

There are so many quotes in your show’s description talking about how gripping the title 'Red Flags' is, from sources like The Newspaper, and [Name Withheld]. What’s it like to receive this kind of praise for your creativity?
It’s cheaper than therapy. I prefer praise to insults. I’ve had plenty of insults and plenty of praise, and I prefer praise. Praise be to God and Akmal.

In all seriousness. . . What will you be bringing audiences in your set this year?
I will be bringing my childhood trauma, my religious upbringing, my fears and regrets, and I will condense it all into one hour of hilarious jokes.

What’s your favourite thing about the comedy landscape in Australia?
I try and ignore the comedy landscape just incase there’s a comedian out there who is funnier than me, that would kill me.

What’s the biggest red flag you’ve ever come across?
The biggest red flag I’ve ever seen was on my last trip to North Korea, when I was there for the Pyongyang Comedy Festival (tough gig).

What inspired you to want to cover the themes you’re covering in this show?
My biggest inspiration for this show is gambling debts, and not wanting my legs broken again as I’m still using them.

How are you hoping audiences respond to the show aside from, obviously, laughing?
Sexual favours backstage, although in 30 years that has never happened, I remain hopeful.

Who is someone currently on the comedy circuit that inspires you? And why?
I think former Prime Minister Scott Morrison is the greatest comedian this country has ever produced.

Akmal is playing a number of shows around the country from May-July, including Brisbane Powerhouse for Brisbane Comedy Festival 25-26 May.

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