This piece was published before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Two of Brisbane's greatest exports of shame and hilarity are coming together.
Andrew Dawson and Ting Lim draw inspiration from mutual life experiences trying to navigate their way out of their 20s and safely into their early 30s, in 'The Situation', featuring short stories, punchlines, and relatable content in general.
Here, Singaporean-born Ting and Tasmanian-born Andrew list five ways to survive comedy in south-east Queensland.
Love pokie machines. Some venues don’t mind setting up the stage amongst the pokie machines. On some nights, the number of pokie machines can easily outnumber the crowd. Learn to love the shiny boxes of dazzling lights and the slumped over bodies attached to them. They are the fireworks show you need when you are performing to a bar of empty stools.Two
Look out for venomous creatures. Sometimes you will be required to perform in a quirky venue, for example a brewery or Centrelink. Be wary of any wildlife that might call the venue home. Queensland is notorious for its amazing array of venomous creatures like the brown snake, red spider and Pauline Hanson.Three
Have no backbone. Shutting down a heckler with a sick burn is a dream for a comedian. However, sometimes it might be better to adjust your response based on how many neck tattoos and empty beer pints the heckler has. This is particularly important in the Gold Coast region, Brisbane region and the other regions in Queensland – basically all of Queensland.