5 Ways To Celebrate Ten Years In Comedy With Jacques Barrett

Jacques Barrett
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

It's 2020! That means Jacques Barrett has been a full-time comic for ten years.

'Boom-Jacqua-Laka' is Jacques' new show. It explores the journey that brought him here, and delves into his origin story. . . Because every idiot has one!

So how does one celebrate such a milestone? Leave it to Jacques to break it down.

Here, he lists five ways to do just that.


By selling out my Brisbane Comedy Festival show bruh, obviously.


Pay mum back/move out.


Release an album of my greatest hits.


Tell everyone this is my last tour, then never stop touring.


Share an 8 Ball with my accountant because I’ve somehow gone a decade without getting audited.

Jacques Barrett plays Brisbane Powerhouse 29 February.

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