The Best Of The Edinburgh Fest featuring Chris Martin, John Hastings and Carl Donnelly will start an epic, eight-week tour of our sunburnt country, including stops at Adelaide Fringe, Perth Fringe World and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Not to be confused with that 'other' Chris Martin, Chris Martin the comedian has already racked up the plaudits: 'Destined for greatness' - The Sunday Times; and 'One of the UK's best young observationalists' - The Guardian.
Rather than pin Chris down for an interview, we thought it more fun to have Chris construct the subject matter for his profile piece. He chose underrated vegetables; maybe he's making minestrone soup for us.
Such a meaty vegetable. It can be the centre point of a plate of food. Also if you smother it in Miso sauce and deep fry it, you'll start to question your whole existence in the universe.
People think this is a boring vegetable; they're wrong. It is a perfect liquid increaser in a juice. It is, shape wise, one of the most handy vegetables you can put in dip and it's a great stirring device in a Bloody Mary.
People think it's an ugly brother of the cucumber; they're wrong. It's hard and juicy all at the same time. BBQ it or kebab it'll to take things up a level.
Butternut Squash
Every time I look at butternut squash, I think I want to eat it but the sheer effort involved is too much. Then my mum showed me you can put it in an oven for an hour, skin on! That's right, skin on! And it'll cook lovely. Once it's cooked, the skin falls off like dry skin and you have all the fleshy goodness inside, without the blood, sweat and tears.
These little guys are so versatile. In a salad, it's like adding chunks of fresh pepper you can eat or straight out of the bag, like a healthy, fiery crisps. You wouldn't think to do this, but slide them into the top of a sandwich and you will send me a handwritten letter to say thank you.
Chris Martin joins John Hastings (Canada) and Carl Donnelly (UK) for Best Of The Edinburgh Fest, touring the country for the next eight weeks.
Chris Martin Tour Dates
11-16 Feb - The West Australian Spiegeltent (Perth Fringe World)17-22 & 24-28 Feb; 1, 3-8 & 10-15 Mar - ComedySuperNova (Adelaide Fringe)
19-21 Mar - Sitdown Comedy Club (Brisbane)
26-31 Mar, 1-5 Apr - Forum Theatre (Melbourne International Comedy Festival)