5 Top Things In Rudy-Lee Taurua's Video Game Collection

Rudy-Lee Taurua
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

It makes perfect sense why comedian Rudy-Lee Taurua has titled his show 'Diverse’.

Gay, mixed race, First Nation, raised by a single mother on the pension, working class, anxious, clinically depressed, domestic abuse survivor. Rudy checks all these boxes, and he also has the material to make you laugh. For Rudy, what some might call 'dark humour', he calls 'life'.

He's fresh from touring arenas across Australia with Jim Jefferies, and now he's ready to present a show where nothing is off limits. . . And a show where laughs are found even in places you'd never think to look for them.

Rudy throws it back and chills out before the craziness of Adelaide Fringe, by listing five super cool things in his video game collection.


The Nintendo Power Glove, in-box, quite rare.

Rudy Lee gaminggloves


Would have to be my complete in-box consoles including a PS1, Super Nintendo, Sega Master System.


Of course, the two different CRT televisions I use to play them with.


Most possibly the most expensive is my 'Pokemon' Gameboy console, with all original games (unfortunately unboxed yet all playable).


My in-box 'Time Crisis' game, with original gun for the PS1.

Rudy-Lee Taurua plays The Howling Owl (Adelaide Fringe) 21 February-11 March.

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