5 Most Offensive British Comedians

Frankie Boyle
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

With a huge year already, and on the eve of her debut national tour this week, the uniquely mesmerising Kucka has scored five WA Music Award nominations, aka WAMis, including Best Female Vocalist, Best Electronic Act and Best Single.

Kucka shares her five most offensive British comedians.

5. Chris (Simpsons artist). Says it best with pictures.


4. Jo Brand. "It was great, actually, when she became Lady Thatcher, because then she sounded like a device for removing pubic hair.”


3. Ricky Gervais. "Next up, Eva Longoria has the daunting task of introducing the President of the Hollywood Foreign Press. That's nothing! I just had to help him off the toilet and pop his teeth in."


2. Jimmy Carr. “British scientists have demonstrated that cigarettes can harm your children. Fair enough. Use an ashtray.”

Jimmy Carr 10 14
1. Frankie Boyle. “Pistorius to me sounds like a spell Harry Potter would say to make your legs drop off.”


Kucka Tour Dates

Thu 16 Oct - Shebeen (Melbourne)
Fri 17 Oct - Easy Tiger (Sydney)
Sat 18 Oct - Southside Tea Room (Brisbane)
Sun 19 Oct - The Beach Hotel (Byron Bay)
Sat 25 Oct - The Bird (Perth)


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