Emily Tresidder points out what really makes us human: because we can define so much as crazy, and can be whatever crazy is.
Emily's new show explores the Zen of crazy and the myriad of things that have come to be defined as crazy. Whatever your perspective is on the word - there's something here that will have you laughing - and not always just self-consciously.
These are just five of the crazy things Emily has done (and will never regret):
Got an absolutely ridiculous tattoo
In the whirlwind, which was the creation of my last stand-up hour, I spent a ridiculous amount of money to get the words ‘Absolutely Ridiculous’ tattooed on my ribcage. I mean a RIDICULOUS amount – it is so dodgy and tiny, and I spent two days wages on it at the time. However, it’s a little piece of my heart, and consequently my ribcage, that pays homage to that show, and my own stupidity. So I love it.{youtube}ukZrWMmdvlI{/youtube}
Fallen hopelessly in love with strangers
I can’t help it. When I see a random person out and about that has some kind of aura (beautiful face/ smile/ laugh/ teeth/ voice/ coffee order) about them, I instantly imagine our lives together. It starts out great, though always ends in tears because I create some devastating turn of events (they are sleeping with my friend/ their smile isn’t real/ they were ordering that coffee for someone else). It’s internal and never goes anywhere, but some of my best jokes are about these encounters.Developed the largest lady crush on Beyoncé
It’s beyond obsessive. She is brilliant though. I regret nothing.
Talked to myself
I do it constantly. It’s gotten to the point where I have started creating scenarios so I can talk to myself, like having a fake cooking show when I am making lunch. I’m an only child, if I didn’t like my own company I would be in trouble! Some of my best ideas have come from deep, honest and sometimes confrontational conversations with myself.Created a stand-up tour about my crazy
In my show I get to talk candidly about funny, little, weird things I do, and also delve into moments that have really hurt me (and yet are apparently hilarious to hear about, thanks world). It’s been a really interesting thing for me, because it seems revealing in a new way, but also is SO MUCH FUN. I wouldn’t have it any other way.Emily Tresidder performs Producers Nook 27 February – 13 March as part of Adelaide Fringe Festival which runs until 14 March.