Zagazig – Brisbane Production House Curtain World Go On A Dream-Like Chase

'Zagazig' Image © Giorgia Bellini Photography
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Up-and-coming Brisbane production house Curtain World will present their new season of work, 'Zagazig', at VENTspace in South Brisbane.

'Zagazig' unites a team of emerging and professional artists in an absurd wonderland. . . A dream-like chase through Brisbane at night time. As well as being a transformative, theatrical experience, it's also giving an often-inaccessible opportunity for young and emerging artists to work on a professional, large scale.

It's a chance for theatre-lovers and locals alike to discover the power of independent artmaking, in the collaborative venue VENTspace which aims to encourage and facilitate creativity. 'Zagazig' features movement with nods to contemporary Butoh dance theatre facilitated by Yuki Taniguchi, and a live score from James Eyre Walker and a mix of DJs, singers, and musicians.

To explain more about Curtain World's vision, the opportunity 'Zagazig' is giving to young and emerging artists, and more, we speak to Co-Producer, Writer, and Director Esther Dougherty.

For anyone unfamiliar, what is Curtain World?
Curtain World is a theatre, art and event production house in Meanjin (Brisbane). It is very much a fantasy vehicle that delivers the art from creation to sharing and through the vices and sphincters of sales and dollars without letting it get too muddled up. Curtain World is itself a performance of a company, and brings play and mimicry into the process of producing and marketing. It currently has its office in VENTspace in South Brisbane.

Zagazig 1 2023
Image © Giorgia Bellini Photography

Why is it important for production houses like Curtain World to exist?
Curtain World is a challenge to hierarchies of legitimacy in theatre. Theatre as an industry has a chasm between funded and un-funded, indie and mainstage, black box and back room; and artists and artworks get trapped and isolated whichever side of the gulf they exist on. But the final distinction is financial and systemic. Context and language and curation and technical production feed into the falsehood that certain things are 'better' than others, when really they aren't. Curtain World is rooted in the intention that spectacular wonderful theatre exists as much in the dressings as in the meal and that it is the playfulness of fanciness, or seriousness, or even of grunge or of fringe; long essay short, giving the audience the permission to play at being and seeing special and careful things is part of also sharing special and careful things.

As Co-Producer, Writer and Director, what was your vision for this production?
To be bold, to take big risks, to be spectacular and to be confident. 'Zagazig' is starring a cast of 11, with a live band, live singer, live flautist, live composer, lighting and projection design, set and costume design and all coming from artists across so many scenes and spaces. It is ambitious in every way, and the most rewarding aspect of this project has been that the entire team, and so many from our community, are meeting that ambition with love and excitement and with support. This project has so much drive plaited all through it, and its ultimate success is that neighbourhood of co-dreaming and co-fantasising. Within every object and gesture of the work there is the shine of beautiful dreams, and it's glowing out of every corner. I wanted this work to tell an important story, and it does, but the important story is that trying to understand the invisible forces shaping our lives is a team effort, and a dream effort. Shared imagination of beautiful and funny and weird and sad things is deeply possible.

And what has been the biggest challenge in putting this production together?
The financial risk is definitely present, but I have kept telling myself it is either going to be a text message scam or a work of magical art that takes all my money so this is definitely the preference. We have been running fundraising events to support this project, with our final one on 5 June at The Bearded Lady, called 'Small Paul's Best Friends'.

Zagazig 2 2023
Image © Giorgia Bellini Photography

Who, would you say, is this show for?
It is not good grant writing to say this, but truly, this show is for everyone – or at least everyone who likes things that are great and amazing. There is intricate storytelling, fantasy campery, comedy, drama, stunning visuals, incredible live music, and an exciting new South Brisbane venue to explore. Curtain World is a proudly queer and trans space, and a proudly local and independent space, so we prioritise safety, inclusivity and respect no matter your identity or your budget. We have been blessed to be telling our stories to a really broad collection of people, and hope to continue to be inviting new friends behind the curtain.

It’s a pretty cool opportunity for young/emerging artists. Why is that?
Young and emerging artists, especially in the design fields, need opportunities to work with big texts and big projects to continue in their practices and continue to be paid. I have been lucky enough to follow everyone in our team's work outside of this project, so I knew they were incredible at what they do, and feel very lucky to be trusted to hold this space and this project for them.

What would you say is the main desired response to ‘Zagazig’?
Gasps! Tears! Laughs! Massive applause! I would love our audience to walk away feeling electrified and meditated and pleased, and for the story to make a weirdly personal sort of sense. I'd love everyone to be thrilled.

Describe the show in three words.
Endless. . . Unfolding. . . Mirror-cles.

'Zagazig' plays VENTspace (South Brisbane) 21-24 June.

This story originally appeared on our queer sister site, FROOTY.

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