In an exclusive-to-Adelaide presentation, Ouchhh Studio presents immersive, multi-sensory experience Wisdom Of AI Light.
Istanbul-based visionaries Ouchhh Studio have collaborated with NASA and CERN, and are now presenting Adelaide audiences with an immersive work combining data, art, music and light.
Wisdom Of AI Light is part of Illuminate Adelaide – a celebration of innovation, art, light, music and technology through winter.
The presentation is a journey from Renaissance masterpieces to the mysteries of the universe, as the power of the algorithm is utilised to create breathtaking 'data paintings' of extraordinary scale and vision. Then, as the eyes are feasting on this unlikely but beautiful combination, the ears will enjoy music from one of the most iconic classical composers in the world – Ludovico Einaudi.
The concept has already taken European audiences by storm. Here, we find out more about the Adelaide offering from Ouchhh Studio creative Ferdi Alici.
Firstly, give us a bit of background on Ouchhh Studio.
The team consists of several different talents – AI artists, engineers, media artists, design artists – and we all work towards one goal, and that is to make public art. We believe that science inspires great art, and the integration of both is vital to our approach. Over the last 12 years have showcased work worldwide including Coachella, festivals in Prague, Montreal, Barcelona, and Melbourne. Since we started, we have created over 50 art pieces around the world.
And what was the reason for starting the studio?
We realised that we had an amazing opportunity to bring together a wealth of knowledge from the likes of engineers, architects, visual designers, NASA and CERN (the European Organisation for Nuclear Research) – all working towards one vision and philosophy – and that was to create cutting-edge innovation in art, science and technology. My interest in AI came about when I was studying at Istanbul University – I read an academic paper written in 1950 by mathematician Alan Turing who asked the questions – can machines think? Since then, we have been asking the same questions, can machines make art, can machines read, can machines make music?

What will Ouchhh be bringing to Illuminate?
A completely unique project exclusive to Adelaide. Wisdom Of AI Light has been a six-year journey. This work will be both a retrospective as well as a new collection focusing on two main chapters. The first chapter focuses on art history and Leonardo Da Vinci, who was not just a painter – he was also an inventor. He is the master of integrating art, science, and technology. People will experience 50 million brushstrokes made by AI. We have the same mindset as painters did 500 years ago, but we are using data instead of paint and algorithms as our brush strokes and architectural space as our canvas. The second chapter is titled Humanity And The Metaverse and is comprised of several of our research projects including: Poetic AI, Data Monolith, Data Gate and Dark Machine. For the second chapter, it’s a collaboration between NASA and CERN which saw us collaborating with 16 world class professors from around the world. We expect audiences to experience a journey about humanity combined with data and AI.
Why do you think Wisdom Of AI Light is the perfect fit for Illuminate as a whole?
We wanted to bring our art alive as a 3D sculpture. It’s not just a database but it’s also an incredible form of architecture and something Adelaide audiences, young and old will experience for the very first time. The work will be housed in a specially-made pavilion which measures 1000 square metres with 9 metre-high ceilings. The display will be monumental, and 24 data projectors will disperse bright bursts of colour which will completely envelop the audience.
What has been your role in putting this experience together?
I am the Director of Ouchhh and a media artist, we come up with the concept and design. We also have more than 25 people who operate in house and collectively we have been creating the algorithms that integrate artificial intelligence to create our multimedia artworks.

And how do you hope audiences respond to the work?
I hope that they will leave two completely different reactions. Chapter one is quite calm and peaceful – more of a spiritual journey through the history of art and the Renaissance period. The second chapter is a total roller coaster ride and a complete contrast to the first instalment of the work. The reaction around the world has been the same, the work is mesmerising and regardless of your age, ethnicity, politics, or your religion – this is a work for everyone.
There will also be music from Ludovico Einaudi. What was the reason for selecting his music for this?
Basically, we are huge fans of Ludovico. His music perfectly describes our philosophy and our expectations.
The work has been seen by European audiences too. Why do you think it has been so successful?
We take inspiration from science, mathematics, nature and geology and we think that they are all universal themes audiences can relate to. We are trying to show the secret of our universe and trying to transform the unseen to seen with different art forms
Describe Wisdom Of AI Light in four words.
Infinite. Artificial Intelligence. Universes.
Wisdom Of AI Light is part of Illuminate Adelaide at Illuminate Pavilion, on now until 14 August. Illuminate Adelaide is officially on until 31 July.