Where Did The Arts Funding Go?

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Why is the arts sector struggling to find public affection (and, more importantly, public dollars)? Melbourne Business School have just completed two research projects aimed at answering that question.

Conducted by the Asia-Pacific Social Impact Leadership Centre (APSILC) and supported by the Margaret Lawrence Bequest, the two reports — focussed on branding and philanthropy in the arts sector — will be launched tonight with a panel discussion featuring Ms Carol Schwartz, the newly appointed Chair of Creative Partnerships Australia.

Branding The Public Art Museum Sector: A New Competition Model and Arts Philanthropy: Towards A Better Practice Model look to strengthen the arts across the commnunity by answering the following questions:

—What is the public's perception of galleries? Relevant, accessible and exciting or elitist, stuffy and judgemental?
—How can marketing insight help to overcome the divide between public's and the sector's own perceptions?
—How does philanthropy currently support the arts and is there a better model?

Join the conversation at the Melbourne Business School's Coles Theatre this Thursday February 14 from 6pm.

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