Studio Theatre Café in Morningside has come up with an entirely new way for traditional theatre to compete in a world of new technology – by introducing Australia's first Theatre On Demand.
These days, with entertainment at our fingertips, it's hard for theatres to get the audience in the door. Wanting to cater to the audiences needs, Studio Theatre is prepared to offer something different.
“We were looking and thought, how can we be more innovative, and give people what they want, when they want? So we were sitting there thinking that it is really like a demand service, something where people can ring up and book a show for when they want to, at a time that suits them. So, that was the basic premises of it,” says venue manager, Damien Lee.
And even though Theatre On Demand is a new event, Damien has already had show bookings. “It sits well because, these days, people are so busy, lots of people are doing shift work and working extended hours which often can be detrimental of their social lives, so here is an opportunity. Even if it is at 10 o'clock on a Tuesday night, they can go and see a live theatre show,” he says.
When asked if there is anytime they would not put on a show, Damien replied quickly.

“No, there is not! I know it sounds shameful, but no, there is not. We'll do a show anytime, day or night. So if someone wanted a show at 2am in the morning, you'd find me on-stage performing for them.
“We guarantee that no matter when people, if they have themselves and nine friends, no matter when or how late they book the show, we'll put the show on,” says Damien.
The show to demand at the moment is a tribute show about a very special musician. “(It is) a tribute to Frank Sinatra, timed because it is the 100th Anniversary of his birth his year, so we thought that was a great one to start,” says Damien.
The Sinatra show will run as a trial show throughout 2015 to get a feel for the audience interest. “If the interest is there, we will look at broadening it out to other shows and creating products for different age groups, or different tastes and things like that. It's sort of like in its infant stage at the moment, however, we're quite positive that people will be taking it on board,” says Damien.
Other productions available at Studio Theatre are: 'Getting Even With Steven', a comedy-thriller described as a crossing between Poltergeist and Ghostbusters, 'Super Weekend' an interactive kids show and 'Kids Club House', a Saturday afternoon event for kids with screenings of old classic cartoons, games and magic.
Studio Theatre also has another treat for us this year as they're bringing back two goodies from the '80s. “We're very proud to be able to present a live stage show featuring the '80s national TV stars Agro and Jill Ray. Agro is going to be recreating the magic of the 'Super Saturday Show', live on-stage, and that will be happening in the second half of October,” says Damien.
After opening their doors in Morningside just two years ago, Studio Theatre has had a warm welcome. “We've had a lot of support from local businesses, local government and the people. We often get people walking past who just didn't even know there was a theatre there and we give them a tour and explain what we do.
“We're getting lots of return patronage but we would like to see more of south east Queensland coming along to enjoy quality theatre,” says Damien.
Call 3399 3333 to see the Frank Sinatra tribute show, anytime you'd like, at Studio Theatre Café.