'The Ultimate Vegas Show' bring the best of Vegas to the Gold Coast, Adelaide and Melbourne in a night of pure escapist fun.
With dancing of every kind, the swing of Dean Martin, classics of Elvis Presley, unbelievable magic acts and a live duck – there is something for everyone. Producer and co-star Michael Boyd reveals his magical past and what we can expect from the show:
A magical history...
“I am a third generation magician. Both my grandfather and his grandfather were magicians. Well, I suppose technically it’s fifth generation because it always skips a year.”
The art of intrigue...
“Probably the best thing I learned from my grandfather was the art of intrigue. Like all great masters, he didn’t give it all out at once. First he would show the trick, and astound me. Well, I didn’t get to learn that trick straight away – I saw another trick, then another trick, until I was so intrigued… Only then he went backwards to start at the basics and show me. It was a really great way to bond with my grandfather – he was my hero.”The Young Magician’s Magic School...
“The Young Magician’s Magic School was around when I was a teenager. It was a great group of enthusiastic teenagers together with a couple of older mentors – people who had been in the business a long time who could help us. I had a fantastic teacher who said ‘for every second of your act, if I take a photo, it has to look fantastic’. It goes with any performance craft; you really have to be aware of your space, how you’re standing, how you’re presenting and every part of your movement. We’d do excursions to old people’s homes and anywhere we could do shows. It was great learning curve for me and it’s a shame that there is nothing like it nowadays.”{youtube}gCQqEpAnz9A{/youtube}
Crafting new magic...
“Part of the preparation is continuing and making sure that you are seeing and changing your act to suit today’s audiences. Adapting to things like iPhones and the latest technology. I’m lucky to have a lot of friends and peers who are famous magicians who travel the world with terrific shows. We all get together and watch other shows to see the latest trends in magic and all the latest illusions. Everyone says ‘how can you watch a magic act,’ but I love watching magicians especially when you know the secrets. There is so much more to magic than just the secret; you’re looking at the presentation and all of the other elements that go into really creating a great show.”‘Australia’s Got Talent’ Finalist 2013...
“I have to say, even after being so many years in the business, it was one of the most nerve-racking things that I have done in my life. Even as an artist you’re not used to being so exposed. We get the applause and go back behind the curtain. The audience leaves and then they discuss it, but we don’t hear it. On the show it’s right there in your face and it can go either way. Luckily with me, they liked what I did. So it was one of my most terrifying experiences but also one of the most rewarding.”{youtube}PxkQ1J1Y5wo{/youtube}
'The Ultimate Vegas Show'...
“In three words, the show is a party on stage. We have everything that any great Las Vegas show has. There is lots of incredible magic with disappearing and reappearing and and a very dangerous illusion where I risk my life. A very special section with a duck also features in one of the illusions. Yes, he’s very cute [laughs]. We all love him. There are smaller moments too where the audience is part of the show. It’s risky in that I never know how they’re going to react or what they’ll say. But I love dealing with live audience participation because it keeps the show alive and fresh.“Another great variety act is our trampolinist from Spain and he has worked all over the world including Las Vegas. He has a comedy trampoline act and it is something that has never been seen in Adelaide before. He is honestly a genius at what he does. Not only are the tricks amazing but he is just incredibly entertaining. All up it’s a variety show. You just sit back, relax and enjoy.”

Viva Las Vegas?...
“There was a trend a few years ago, that Vegas was kind of embarrassed of its old ‘tits and feathers shows’ and they started moving towards the Cirque du Soleils and musicals. Nothing wrong with Cirque du Soleil but there is one in every hotel. The classic Vegas had its own identity and now we’re finding a lot of those old-school shows coming back. It is small chunks of entertainment that keeps changing and moves fast. I mean if they don’t like Elvis – he’s only there a few minutes and then there will be something else that to enjoy. You’re able to craft a show that pretty much suits everybody’s tastes. It’s fun, it’s colourful and I absolutely love it.”Back down under...
“I love performing in my home country. When I started, everyone thought all you want to do is work overseas because here in Australia there is no opportunity. But the more you travel and work overseas the more you realise your friends and family can’t see what you’re doing. Bringing your work and doing it in beautiful theatres here in Australia is fantastic. There is nothing better than working in your own backyard.”{youtube}jBUJwmStXOY{/youtube}
Parting advice to aspiring performers...
“For anyone, in any artform – you need patience, practice and persistence. They would be my three things for any performer in this business. You need to just stick with it. The only way you can be good at it is doing it all the time, and if you love it and practice it – you’ll get somewhere.”'The Ultimate Vegas Show' plays Jupiters Theatre 31 December & 1 January, Her Majesty's Theatre 8 & 9 January and The Palms at Crown Melbourne 15 & 16 January.