Music meets mayhem when Circa get their hands on the work of Mozart.
His work is genius, and has lived a long life, recognised by millions the world over.
Now, it gets a facelift, and a new place on stage, in 'Wolfgang’s Magical Musical Circus', a tumbling, twirling, mischievous show at Redland Performing Arts Centre.
Here, Circa acrobats Kat and Paul answer questions about the performance.
Why do you think the classical music of Mozart and contemporary circus gel so well together?
Mozart’s music has such a richness and vitality to it, every note fills the theatre with a wonderful energy. Circus has a similar exciting energy with it whereby changing or highlighting a certain trick can ultimately change how the audience feels when they see it.
Kat, what’s your experience of playing the Birthday Girl in the show? What’s your particular circus skill that comes alive on stage?
My role as the Birthday Girl is full of highs and lows. I have moments of sadness and loneliness followed by wonderful joyous adventures when Mozart and his accordion-playing friend join me on stage. Throughout the show I get to perform a variety of circus skills including handstands, and adagio (lifting or standing on another performer). One of my favourite circus acts in the show actually uses my many years of ballet training. We perform an act where I lift and carry Paul but I'm quite often balancing on my toes at the same time.
Paul, what’s it like playing Mozart himself?
I drew from my understanding of Mozart being quite an eccentric and mischievous personality. In playing him in the show I utilise these qualities which also allows me to seamlessly bring in my circus and slapstick skills. It’s a fun character to play where coming out of a fridge with a bike seems normal.
What do you each love about the art of the circus? And what was your journey to circus?
The beauty of the arts is that it helps spark imagination and helps push boundaries both physically and mentally. Circus to us shows the strength, precision, trust and humanity of the human body.
Kat: I grew up doing gymnastics and dance and I loved to be constantly moving whether I was on my hands or on my toes. I was performing as a dancer for a while but slowly became intrigued by circus where I loved being able to utilise my past training in gymnastics and dancing to see how I could push my body and challenge how I could move on stage in a different way.
Paul: I grew up in a youth circus where I was fortunate enough to learn a whole range of circus skills like juggling, unicycling, tumbling, aerials and how to stand on people and be stood on. I like the supporting nature of the circus where there is always opportunities to grow as a performer and to push the limits of what the body can achieve.

Image © Dylan Evans
And what are you looking forward to about bringing the show to Redland Performing Arts Centre?
We are looking forward to bringing 'Wolfgang' to Redland Performing Arts Centre so that we can share this magical musical mayhem of a show that really brings a smile to both young and old audiences.
How is the show made fun for the whole family? How is the show special for children, adults, parents and grandparents?
This show allows everyone to be able to go on a whimsical journey where musicians emerge from fridges, music batons can’t keep still and chairs keep getting climbed on. If your new to classical music this show allows you to be transported and immersed in some beautiful music whilst seeing some eye-catching circus that sometimes makes you hold your breath.
Is there anything new that you've learned being part of this show? How has this show in particular grown you as a performer?
Every show that we do we continually strive to develop and interrogate our work, making it richer and more fulfilling for us and the audiences. This show utilises circus, dance and acting and as performers we really cherish the fact that we can continually push and expand our skills.
How do you think audiences experience the show, both visually and musically?
'Wolfgang’s Magical Musical Circus' is a wonderful way to see music come alive. One of the wonderful things about performing this show to children and adults is their reactions which makes each show enjoyable for us to perform. We thoroughly enjoy performing this show and love to have a chat with the audience whenever possible. Some of the most wonderful moments are when we hear that this was someone’s first time going to the theatre. To be able to bring the joy of the theatre and circus to someone new is a special moment to both of us.