'Candy's Cabaret Live' has returned to La Boheme on the second Sunday of every month to showcase music and performances with different themes.
Candy Chambers will host the evenings of music, dance, and laughter.
Candy, who is always willing to celebrate life in the form of performance, hopes to share some of her wisdom and happiness with the audience. Members of the audience can also perform on the night by bringing with them a piano chord chart of the song they wish to sing.
What is your proudest achievement as a performer?
I think my ability to touch my audiences. I mean really touch them. Professionally speaking.
One of your latest performances was themed around Woodstock. Could you describe your top three favourite moments from that event?
I'm trying to create a little pocket of love in a world that, let's face it, isn't always very loving. Woodstock was a perfect theme to really let the love flow. My favourite moments were when I felt that love. There was a wonderful little moment when the audience spontaneously burst into song with me. In moments like that I know we've made a real connection. I feel that love well up inside me and it's just beautiful.
You've said before that you are more than your past, you are the present. What would be the most perfect present you could ever receive?
Well it's true I am, but you can never really have too many diamonds. My most perfect present would, of course, be a world full of peace and free of suffering.
Where do you find you inspiration to continually improve on your performances?
I find inspiration everywhere, from the laughter of a child to the purring of a kitten. Any time I need inspiration I just open myself up to my surroundings and there it is.
You had a show on the September 11 which marked 15 years since the attack on New York. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when the event occurred?
Oh my yes. We had just finished breakfast in the Rec Hall of the Las Vegas Federal Penitentiary for Women. A huge riot broke out and food scraps and weaves were going everywhere. Just another day really. When we had exhausted ourselves we cried and held each other as we watched the horrific events of the day unfold on the television. A terrible, terrible day I'll never forget.
What is it about La Boheme that makes it a perfect venue for 'Candy's Cabaret Live'?
Well you know La Boheme is Adelaide's true home of cabaret. The space is intimate and the cocktails really are something special. I'm sure they'd love you to pop on over and say hi too!
You have a great pianist. How long have you known each other?
Oh yes I'm glad you mentioned her. Carol Young is unquestionably the wind beneath my wings. It feels like we have known each other since before time began.
For somebody that might be a bit shy about performing, describe the atmosphere and feeling of performing in the show?
It can be daunting to get up and perform in front of other people, but the crowd is so warm and supportive and really anything goes on the night. It's all good fun! For anyone thinking of performing for the first time but feeling too shy, I'd say come along to watch, you'll see just how easy it is. And I promise I won't bite. Unless you ask nicely.