Collingwood-based artist Sian Taylor is incredibly serious about her work.
Her passion lies in the female form. She paints nudes in the nude, and when she's not painting, she's most likely dabbling in copywriting, art directing, styling, curating, photography, production, marketing, designing, drawing and strategising. Her art ranges from anywhere between $14,000 to $57,000.
Her non-stop work and dedication to her craft(s) has been captured in a three-part web series called 'The Northsiders', by actress and writer Vita Carbone. It spotlights three Australian creative personalities and the subculture each belongs to.
Sian usually spends her downtime drinking natural wines with her girlfriends, but she was kind enough to answer a few questions about art, her exhibition Clitoria, and how she wears so many hats at once.
Where did you find the strength and courage to move out of your family home and pursue your passion?
Financial support from my parents and confidence that my talents would carry me through. I think the process happened so organically because the Northside had never seen or experienced anything like my work, so I felt very welcome.
You wear so many hats and have so many responsibilities. How do you stay grounded?
I donate my precious time and money to several not-for-profit charities that are very small and unknown. Having said this, I loathe people that brag about giving to charity – it's like, just do it and be quiet. Also, whenever work gets too crazy I try to catch public transport just as a reminder, you know?
In your spare time you can be found having wines with your girlfriends. What do you value most about those rare moments where you can just relax?
Firstly, it’s natty wines. There is a big difference between the wine that most of the general population drink and natty wines. I value being surrounded by other talented, driven and ambitious women like myself.
You've got a vibe for female figure paintings at present. . . Any idea where your creative drive will take you next?
My work is always very sexual and erotic and I love exploring different types of genitalia so I think I want to continue down that road.
Tell us a bit about your exhibition Clitoria.
I’ve made 60 sculptures of different sized and shaped clitorises and have 9 in the pipeline. I encourage people to come with their lovers and loved ones for a night of self-exploration.
What is it about the female form you find so bewitching?
Everything, every curve, bump, bit, hole, surface, indent, opening, closing, flab, flap, wrinkle and dimple. . . I love its mysteriousness and it’s something I’ll never stop exploring.

Would you ever shift your focus to the male form? Why/why not?
I do dabble in the male form but my desire to do so is becoming less and less. Perhaps I like to take a softer approach and find the female form has so much more depth to it. I am very fluid so I know that things can change for me and I want to remain open to both forms.
You're currently in a polyamorous relationship with a documentary filmmaker. Tell us a bit about her.
She’s the love of my life and also wears a lot of hats like myself. Her films are very metaphoric and political yet push social norms. She also created her own vegan skin care line which a large cosmetics company are interested in buying in the fall.
What are your thoughts on the current state of the art industry?
It depends on how you look at it. From a modern and cultural perspective things are really moving left, however from a monumental and idealistic perspective things are more to the right. For me personally, I feel like a pioneer in the industry and I enjoy paving my own path.
What do you think could be improved in the world of artistic expression in 2019?
I feel like there are a lot of phoneys buying their way into the industry. It is definitely not what it used to be in the '80s, which is a shame but it's just the climate we find ourselves in. What I want to see is more people like myself taking risks and showing different narratives than what's being fed by mainstream media.