Sydney Dance Company are touring regionally with 'CounterMove', bringing together elements of comedy, movement, dramatics and more.
Featuring work from two renowned dance visionaries, 'CounterMove' is a double bill of shows: 'Cacti' and 'Lux Tenebris', contrasting pieces that explore different ideas. 'Cacti', created by Alexander Ekman, turns an eye upon contemporary dance, presenting a parodied deconstruction of the art form.
The piece was created in 2010, and consists of 16 dancers, some cacti and a heap of oversized Scrabble tiles. It has been nominated for three awards, having been performed abroad as well as within Australia.

The second of the two pieces, 'Lux Tenebris' is a world premiere. The name is a translation of the Latin term for 'light and darkness'. It was put together by Rafael Bonachela, and asks questions such as “when does light become dark, or dark become light?”. It is described as “fiercly physical”, displaying to audiences a world without dance, as a world without light.
The performance mixes together two extremely contrasting pieces of dance-theatre, with one piece being dark, sober and gritty, and the other reminding the audience to forget about how seriously they sometimes view the art of dance.
'CounterMove' explores life and luminescence, featuring a full string quartet led by composer Nick Wales. It aims to entertain, move and intrigue audiences on its tour around Australia.

CounterMove Tour Dates:
From 9 July – Centre of Contemporary Arts (Cairns)From 15 July – The Arts Centre Gold Coast
29 July – Darwin Entertainment Centre
3 August – Queens Park Theatre, Geraldton (WA)
6 August – Mandurah Performing Arts Centre (WA)
9 August – Albany Entertainment Centre (WA)
13 August – Bunbury Entertainment Centre (WA)
20 August – Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre (NSW)
24 August – Griffith Regional Theatre (NSW)
27 August – Dubbo Regional Theatre (NSW)