The Curiosity Experiment @ Adelaide Fringe Review

The Curiosity Experiment @ Adelaide Fringe
Travel and culture writer, based in Adelaide.

If you were to search for a haunted manor in Adelaide, it’d be hard to go past Carclew House. It’s the perfect setting for this supernatural tale, which takes place in one of the building’s grand old rooms.

Before we begin, we’re given instructions on what to do if we feel uncomfortable and need to leave, and given what’s to come it’s an entirely reasonable way to start. As the performance begins, we are seated around a large table while a narrator introduces us to the concept that drives the show.

We are told that any object intimately associated with an act of extreme emotion will retain echoes of that act, and that these can be passed on to a receptive mind. This initial explanation is a little drawn out, but this slow build up means that we are caught unawares when the show actually does begin.

After we are instructed to put on our blindfolds, there’s a sense of quiet unease before things get seriously spooky. The absence of sight heightens our other senses, and soon we find ourselves in the middle of an incredibly suspenseful tale.

The voice acting is absolutely superb and the main character in particular, a spirited New Yorker who sounds like ‘Orange Is The New Black’'s Morello, is wonderfully brought to life.

To give much more away would detract from the performance, but this is an expertly crafted production that will have you jumping out of your seat.

If you’re a fan of horror films and want something that feels a little more real, this is the show for you.

★★★★☆ 1/2

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