A theatre performance in one of Brisbane's most loved flower shops seems like an unlikely match, but may prove otherwise with The Basics Project's latest production.
'Me, Maria And The Moon' is a classic – yet not-so-classic – love story based in the dawn of time, just after the Big Bang when the moon would pass so close to earth you could jump on to it. Based on the original Italian short story, it follows the story of a love quadrangle - a classic case of boy loves girl, who loves other boy, who loves someone else, who doesn’t love him back... This, combined with a dash of science, a splash of folk tale, sprinkle of gravity and a whole lot of heart, wrapped up in a Dr. Seuss and Charlie Chaplin inspired performance, will literally take you to the moon and back.
'Me, Maria And The Moon' will be performed in conjunction with Anywhere Theatre Festival – a festival that encourages exciting, engaging, passionate theatre anywhere but traditional theatre spaces. The Basic Project has taken that to the extreme by performing their production in That Flower Shop. Luke Butler, Collective Director, is very excited about the show.

The Basics Project kicked off in 2013. I had just landed in Brisbane, and after heading a company in Sydney for three years it was time to start fresh. With nothing more than a company name, a script and a desire to contribute to my new home city – we kind of ran blind. With no real idea who was who or what was where, caution was thrown to the wind and I made the conscious decision not to worry about what ‘should’ be done but focus on ‘how’ I can make this first show work.
The reality of it was that The Basics Project started in a garage. I put a call out to actors and not all of them turned up to the audition. Luckily though a few gems did and before I knew it The Basics Project was more than just an idea but a full company and in the blink of an eye I had a premier production at Anywhere Festival 2013. While we have come a long way since the garage, we are still the same company with the same core values: Tell an amazing story, stage it through a real visceral shared human experience and to exercise the imagination. 'Tell – Share – Imagine'.
How will this year's involvement with the Anywhere Festival be different to other years?
Returning for the third year, this is our most exciting Anywhere Festival by far. For the first time The Basics Project has developed and produced its own original work. The past two years, and even prior to Brisbane when I was directing works in Sydney, it has always been existing scripts or ones written in collaboration with an external writer. However this time round its devised, written, produced and performed all by core members.
Also there is a new addition to the team, Ben Simpson coming onboard as Marketing Director and Creative Associate. Some people might shrug their shoulders at this, but for a small growing company, to able to have a dedicated team member over seeing this area is a big step for us. All in all it feels like The Basics Project is starting to plant its feet firmly here in Brisbane. And now that we have come this far, we’re on the lookout for the next adventure and ready to push it further.
Where did the idea for 'Me, Maria And The Moon' come from?
'Me, Maria And The Moon' was actually given to me as a sort of gift. When living in Sydney, in the middle of another project, an amazingly close friend over a coffee gave it to me. “This is one of my all-time favourite stories and I think that you would love it.” That was six years ago and since then it has stuck with me, lodged in the back of my imagination. Ever since it has been bubbling away in the back of my mind, thinking and simmering away. And I honestly don’t know why, but after all this time it has finally turned into a full idea.
I think when you discover a true gem it will always be with you. From the first time I read the original story it struck a chord with me. It’s about love, but speaks of it in a way that we all know and relate to. However it happens over an adventure that is planted so far in the imagination it takes it from ‘the ordinary’ to ‘the extraordinary’ in a heartbeat.
It’s been a combination of fascination, self-enjoyment, and ‘our type of tale’ that has allowed me to stay engaged with this classic. A labour of love and intrigue. Even now, with a completed re-telling that I have constructed, I am finding new elements in it. After six years it feels as fresh as the first time I read it.

I think it can be best explained as a ‘re-telling’ of the original. It’s the same story but it is told through our voice. Once I was familiar with the original, I got out there and re-told it to as many people as I could. Over and over again. Soon I found elements that didn’t alter, others details that were expanded upon and new personal quirks thrown in as well.
After telling upon telling, I soon discovered that this was a story about one man stuck in the middle of a series of events. He stood in the middle as a constant which all the variables around him spun. For me it just made sense for him to tell it as a relay of a treasured memory. This is a re-telling of the original all through the eyes of one of the characters.
Why set it at the dawn of time?
Italo Calvino, the writer of original short story, took care of the setting. In a collection of short stories Calvino took one fact from the Big Bang theory and used that as a spring board to construct a folk tale around. ‘The Distance Of The Moon’ is the short we are working with and the science fact at its base is that there once was a time when the moon would pass so close to earth that you could touch it. And so this here is the setting which the adventure is built around.
The story is set at the dawn of time, however it’s being told by the old professor in the here and now. It’s a telling of the memory he holds of the night the ventured to the moon in pursuit of his one love. And yes, that does make him an extremely old old professor. But he has still got it in him and is an amazing man to spend the evening with.
With Dr. Seuss and Charlie Chaplin being two key inspirations for the story, what can audiences expect from 'Me, Maria And The Moon'?
Both Dr. Seuss and Charlie Chaplin I have always loved. The Dr. Seuss books create a world of their own and manage to kick start the imagination instantly in anyone who reads them. And as for Charlie Chaplin, well he is the greatest of all clowns. For a small man that has very little wins, he still managed to make the world laugh and feel a whole lot of joy.
'Me, Maria And The Moon' has the imagination kick starter of Dr. Seuss that’s told by a clown-like storyteller inspired by Charlie Chaplin. We’re not here to mimic these two, rather bring the elements that’s loved about them into our work. It’s a grand adventure that will take you to the moon and back accompanied by the old professor. There is physical play, there is a lyrical story and it’s all constructed to entertain and remind you of the smaller important things in life.
What has been the biggest challenge of directing the classic not-so-classic love story?
To not have too much fun and keep on track! The original short story is bursting with adventure and pulling it into a hour long show, and re-tell it through the eyes and voice of one man. It’s been a challenge to keep the spirit and gems scattered throughout the original present in our version without it becoming over crowded.
But the best part of a not so classic love story is playing on the twists and surprises. In a conventional love story, we know the ending when we begin. But this time round, you have to go on the full adventure to know exactly how things turn out and why we are here today hearing it being re-told to us. They have been big challenges, but ones that have been worth it. They produced a story that we are itching to tell.
What is the difference between a story about lovers and a story about love?
This is a love story, it still tells the tale of people in pursuit of love. But the boy doesn’t always get the girl. Without giving away too much, this story is really about one man who always loved his lady despite all odds and hurdles. But it didn’t turn him cold and bitter, it kept him alive and gave him a reason to crawl out of bed.
It’s not a ‘happily ever after’ tale, and it was never written to be one. However, it does leave you with a warmth inside and will make you want to tell the people in your life that you do love them. 'Me, Maria And The Moon' is a reminder that love is the greatest of all emotions.
'Me, Maria And The Moon' really has got something for everyone – was there a particular audience that you had in mind while putting it together?
Our story has been created for anyone who has ever felt love, heart break and longing, so it really is a story for pretty much anyone. There is a lot of talk of ‘target audience’ and ‘demographics’ when marketing a show. But with 'Me, Maria And The Moon' it was always designed to be a story anyone of any age could come and enjoy. With such a universal theme, it’s not limited to age, race, gender or any other. This exists as a story that anyone with the capacity to love can connect with. I know it may seem a bit ‘wish-washy’ but it’s 100 percent true. We wanted this story to be for everyone.
Why perform it in a flower shop?
That Flower Shop is the perfect home for this story. The store itself is an amazing space to be in. Owner and creative driving force behind every creation, Patricia Foley, is one of the warmest and welcoming women I know and her personality oozes out of her products and is contained within the walls. The space had to be inviting and cosy – and That Flower Shop ticked the boxes instantly.Patricia is also a dear friend of mine and we have for a long time now joked with the idea that anything could happen in the shop – music, yoga, spoken word – and so when Anywhere Festival came round and I was looking for a venue, Patricia simply said “Why not in the shop?” and without hesitation it was a yes!
To be nestled among fresh blossoms and the world of cool green terrariums, it’s just not the first thought that comes to mind for this type of event. How many people can say they have seen a live show in a flower shop? It’s a great, cozy and welcoming store that is home to our 25 seat pop-up theatre nestled amongst blooms, terrariums and fiddle figs. Perfect.