'Thank You For Being A Friend', a hilarious puppet tribute to cult '80s sitcom 'The Golden Girls' will grace QPAC for a limited run during October.
The ultimate Golden Girls experience, 'Thank You For Being A Friend' delivers all the classic dialogue, razor sharp gags and taboo-breaking stories you'd expect. It will have the uninitiated rolling in the aisles, while die-hard fans will fondly remember the brilliance of 'The Golden Girls'.
Prepare yourself as Miami's four favourite Golden Girls – Dorothy, Sophia, Rose and Blanche – reunite in all of their synthetic glory for this hilarious live tribute. Blanche stepped in to show what kind of sass can be expected from the show:
How much inspiration did you take from the original show?
Oh honey, you've got it all backwards. The original show took inspiration from me.
Leading on from that, how much of your character is new for Blanche?
Now, I don't want to reveal too much too soon... Wait, that doesn't sound like me. I think you'll just have to come along and see the new and improved Blanche Devereaux for yourself! I'm feeling fantastic and I've lost almost half my body weight since the original show. Some would say that's because now I am made of foam and end mid-torso, but I know it's because I've stopped having whipped cream with my cheesecake.
Will people enjoy you more if they have seen TV show, or would you rather the audience be uninitiated?
I've found that people can enjoy me from any approach, and I've never had a problem with an uninitiated audience... You just sit back, relax, and let Blanche show you how it's done.

Well most people are surprised by this, but I don't own a lot of shoes. I think it's because I spend most of my time with my feet in the air. However, I do love shoe shopping. When that young salesman kneels down before you and measures you up from toe to arch, lightly gripping your calf and tightening the buckle on the leather strap... I'm sorry what was the question?
Which episode is your personal favourite?
Do the 'Best Of Blanche' compilations on Youtube count?
Blanche was always known for speaking her mind – what level of sass will you bring to the stage?
Why if you've made it this far through the interview and still have to ask that question, I'm doing something wrong.
From the rest of the cast, who is your least favourite, and why?
That's a very bold question, and I can usually withstand quite a probing... If I had to answer, I suppose Sophia and I don't always see eye to eye. She doesn't pull any punches. But I could never speak ill of the almost-dead.
From the cast who do you think will die first, and from which plastic surgery complication?
I'd rather not answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate me.
Should we expect a high-profile split from the cast and a moderately successful solo career from you after this show?
Well I can't speak for the rest of the cast, but I've always been very good at the high profile split... As for going solo, honey I'm already more than moderately successful at that. Oh sorry, did you say 'career'?
'Thank You For Being A Friend' plays Queensland Performing Arts Centre, 6-17 October.