Tash York – Winefulness Review @ Adelaide Fringe 2020

Tash York
Senior Writer
James is trained in classical/operatic voice and cabaret, but enjoys and writes about everything, from pro-wrestling to modern dance.

Tash York’s 'Winefulness' may begin with a guided meditation, but it then proceeds just like your typical night on the town.

Britney and Eminem tunes get you heading to the dance floor. A few wines. How about a karaoke sing-a-long? A few more wines. Deep and meaningful conversations while seated in the gutter. Maybe one more wine. By the end of the evening you want to wrap your arm around Tash and slur 'iiii luuuuvv ewww'. Sure, there’s no complimentary yiros for the audience as they leave the venue but no show is perfect.

Throughout her 20s, Tash York has honed her craft, first at musical theatre school, then on stage, and at wedding receptions and kid’s parties. In fact, in 'Winefulness', Tash confesses that the stage was the only place that she felt that she belonged until recently, since discovering yoga, meditation, and her future husband.

With all those years of training, Tash is now a cabaret dynamo. She has the hair and the attitude of Amy Winehouse but unlike the British diva, Tash’s story has a happy ending. In 'Winefulness', Tash seamlessly blends parodies of pop hits with original compositions and audience interaction inspired improvised tracks.

While the first two thirds of the show are a lighthearted laugh-fest, Tash skilfully transitions into an unanticipated and powerful final act that addressed the profound traumatic impact of parental abandonment and the role of wine, yoga and mindfulness in healing from that pain.

Joined by After Hours Cabaret Club drummer Arthur Craig on guitar, Tash has put together a show that is an ideal show for a girl’s night out, a hen’s night, or a way to unwind after a vinyasa flow class.


Tash York plays The Parlour at Gluttony - Rymill Park until 15 March and 5290 Bar & Function Room 21 March.

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