For two weeks in May, Brisbane’s arts scene will be flooded with a troupe of talented choreographers and dancers as part of EDC's SOLO Festival Of Dance.
Described as dance nourishment for the soul, SOLO is a tantalising performance menu curated by Natalie Weir for EDC (Expressions Dance Company) to showcase individual dancers and choreographers in an evening of exquisite artistry. Weir shares her excitement with us.

SOLO is...
Brave, sensual, raw, exquisite and heart stopping.
My role is less choreographer, and more...
Curator of the program. I invite the artists I would like to see participate and have my eye across the whole program to ensure there is a variety of styles and types of work being presented. I also manage the quality of the work and set the order for the night so the audience are taken on an interesting journey.
I am really excited about this festival because...
It is truly representative of what is happening in dance in Australia today. With so many different approaches and styles it is difficult to pick just one; and much of the work is still being created. I have faith in all the artists (dancers and choreographers) that they are going to create a work that connects with the audience, as this is the power of dance. One dancer on a bare stage has the power to transform the audience and this is so exciting.
This event is different to other performances I have choreographed, because...
Creating a new seven minute work for SOLO allows me to do something very personal — to touch on a moment or an idea that perhaps has been brewing. I don’t have to carry the responsibility of the whole evening like I do with my signature work, and this provides me with a sense of freedom which is refreshing. My aim is to create something that is special to me and reflects what I am interested in. That way I hope my work is unique in this context.
The life lessons I have learnt from being a choreographer / artist / dancer/ performer have made me believe that...
To be a good creator in dance you need to be interested in human beings and the relationships between human beings — the way they think, their inner fears and aspirations; what drives them. I therefore think, whether a positive or not, I have become very sensitive to what is happening around me and I deeply connect with human experience. Dance is such an amazing medium and I am very privileged to have this as my life path.
A typical rehearsal with my team of dancers looks like...
The dancers start their day at 9.30am with a 75 minute class – classical, contemporary or yoga. We then work on our current project in rehearsals. I spend a lot of time talking to the dancers about my ideas and the story I want to tell and the types of scenarios and characters and ask them to feed in their own life experiences in that respect. I also ask them to workshop with me or on their own some movement around the emotions or experiences they bring to the idea. The dancers always have a lot of input into the choreography.
When I work with the rest of the cast, I feel...
Blessed – such talent and inspiration.
If I had three wishes, I would ask for...
More resources for EDC so I could provide the dancers with a full time living; a continuing of a culture in Brisbane that thrives from valuing our artists; health and happiness for my children.
The best advice about life and career I've been given was to...
Follow your dream and never give up.
Any advice to younger dancers?
Yes, follow their dream. Be persistent; treat it like a business where you follow every possible avenue to find a job you love.
The reason I became a choreographer was...
I think it chose me — I didn’t choose it. It defines me.