So Fresh! Hits Of The 2000s – 5 Reasons The 2000s Is The Best Decade

'So Fresh! Hits Of The 2000s'
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

It's never too soon to be nostalgic, which means 'So Fresh! Hits Of The 2000s' is the perfect show to remember the glory days.

Conceived by Chloe Castledine and the team at The Cast Entertainment, 'So Fresh! Hits Of The 2000s' at Adelaide Fringe brings back the spark, in an epic celebration of some of the biggest hits that made the 'So Fresh' tracklists from back in the noughties.

Led by Chloe and The Cast band, it'll be a night jam-packed with Britney, JT, Good Charlotte, Jet, and everything and everyone in between.

Here, Producer/Director/Performer Chloe Castledine reminisces, listing five reasons why the 2000s is the best decade. . . Before the show takes to the Adelaide Fringe stage.


Technology. Technology has always been evolving and there's something new in every decade. . . But there's nothing quite like getting your first teeny tiny Nokia 3310 that you could actually walk outside of the house with. You could write people short hand messages, and for goodness sake, play Snake on the bus. This was revolutionary and gave everyone a new pep in their step. Not only was there the rise and popularity of mobile phones. . . You also had a Tamagotchi, if ever Snake got boring. And then when the iPod replaced the CD player, it was amazing. . . Maybe not for the Sanity stores around Australia, but it changed our lives.

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Pop culture. It might not have been anything to be proud of, but it certainly was one of the most entertaining decades to be part of. This was when magazines filled the stands and piled up mile high in our bedrooms. So much drama unfolding in the lives of pop stars. It's pretty heartbreaking looking back from 2024 with new perspective, at the depravity of some of the situations. . . But back then, we had zero compassion (haha) and could not get enough of Britney shaving her head, Lindsay Lohan's collection of mug-shots. . .


MySpace. And then Facebook. MySpace was pure joy when it came about. And the pride we felt creating our own tacky pages using HTML coding, showcasing off our favourite music and rating our friends from 1-5. . . There's nothing quite like it. And then of course there's Facebook. . . Which in 2007, enriched and completely ruined our lives all at once.


The fashion. 2000s fashion is very unique. . . Because it was very ugly. And super tacky. But for anyone reading this. . . You have to admit that you probably have never felt more cooler in your life, than when you wore your absolute best in 2001 and you were listening to your 'So Fresh Summer Hits' down at the mall.

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The music. Every generation has iconic music. But the music that came out of the 2000s is STILL our favourite hits, 24 years later. I can't remember a single song that was released last year, or the year before, but basically any tune that came out between 2000-2010 are still the biggest bangers on the dance floor today. And I can remember the lyrics. And the tunes of each song. And the new hybrid of sounds we were hearing just did something to our bodies. Haha. 'Crazy in Love'? Greatest song of all time. I don't know anyone that hates that song. . . Even if you hate Beyonce. And there was nothing like saving up your money from working shifts at McDonalds, to go to Sanity and get the latest 'So Fresh' compilation album. Every hit was a banger. . . Best $29.95 we spent. Who doesn't have a 'So Fresh' CD? Basing a show on this compilation CD was a no-brainer. . . I'm hoping it's the best value for money spent at the Fringe for everyone.

'So Fresh! Hits Of The 2000s' plays The Virago at Gluttony - Rymill Park (Adelaide Fringe) 27 February-3 March.

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