Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare – 5 Things That Happen During Drink Up Before A Show

'Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare'
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

The smash-hit (or is that smashed-hit?) hilarious 'Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare' is back, this time with a one-of-a-kind performance of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream’.

This internationally-acclaimed experience sees a cast of actors presenting (attempting to present) a Shakespeare classic – only, one cast member is completely drunk.

The cast of talented actors are waiting in the wings – primarily for their Melbourne International Comedy Festival season, and secondly for one of their group to get totally sloshed.

For the four hours preceding the beginning of any 'Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare' show, one cast member begins drinking alcohol. A lot of alcohol. They do this during the creatively titled ‘Drink Up’. Here, the cast compile the undisputed top five of any bona fide DUDU (Drink Up Down Under).


Family Dinner. In order to sufficiently line the stomach of our designated drunk for the evening's show, each member of the company takes turns cooking a meal for the rest of the cast. This helps ensure that we all are well energised and not covered in regurgitated hot dog meat on stage.


Music. Forensically assemble your ultimate playlists and get your tunes blaring. For the love of the Bard, get a Spotify Premium subscription so your 'Drink Up' isn’t perpetually punctuated by adverts for Vegemite Shapes.


Games. Sh!thead, Scattegories, One Night Werewolf, Russian Roulette, F... Marry F..., whatever you want. Pick your poison. Drink actual poison.


Shakespeare. Try to recall some of your lines for that evening's show during your 12th piss of the evening. Or failing that, the first few stanzas of 'Gangsta’s Paradise'.


Taxi to the venue. Kiss a sweet goodbye to your credible Uber ratings as driver after driver pulls away in disgust after seeing you leaning up against a letter box.

'A Midsummer Night's Dream' plays Athenaeum Theatre (Melbourne International Comedy Festival) 26 March-20 April.

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