There’s so much happening for upcoming SALA Festival, South Australia’s celebration of all things visual arts.
Artist James Dodd has his finger in all sorts of exciting pies, including a Bike Art Tour Adventure, and several exhibitions.
You've got lots of exhibitions and events coming up. What are you most excited about for SALA Festival this year?
A couple of things are equally exciting for me. 'Pigment High', my solo exhibition at Hugo Michell Gallery, is an exhibition that I have been working towards for almost a year. It is a large collection of paintings that show variations of experiments and new angles that I have been testing out. It's the most abstract show I have produced for a long time and I'm quite curious to see how people will respond to it. I have been trying to make myself paint in ways that I wouldn't usually, which has been quite nerve-racking at times.
Your Bike Tour Adventure is a wonderful idea. What kinds of places can people expect to roll into?
'The Ultimate Bike Tour Adventure' will start in the CBD and meander via a few galleries and public art sites. I have been organising a couple of local artists and performers to join us along the way and give us some unexpected, and very fun experiences. I don't want to give too much away though!

The other major project that I've been working towards for SALA will be presented at Light Square Gallery, as a component of the CACSA Contemporary 2015 exhibition, launching on the 6 August. I have been working on a painting machine and this outcome is kind of it's first test-run in an ongoing development process.
I find myself influenced by DIY, hacking and various industrial machinery and this machine is made up of a bunch of dismantled cordless drills, some bike bits and a whole lot of MDF and alloy strips that hold it all together. The machine isn't conceived as a robot or digitally controlled thing, more like a super-sized, shed-flavoured blender that is able to make marks on canvases.
At the launch of the project the machine will be presented alongside a suite of blank canvases and over the period of the exhibition I will be in the gallery, working the machine, making paintings. I'm excited because I have a bunch of ideas of how the thing will work, but I'm not totally sure what sort of outcomes it will produce.
Coming up next I am really looking forward to a possible day off! I will actually be out of town for a couple of weeks of SALA as I am going to Groote Eylandt, in Arnhem Land to do some workshops with remote communities out there. We will be painting some murals as part of a festival that takes place. I've been up there a few times and always have a great time! After that I will be back working on a kind of bike project with Tutti Arts and OzAsia Festival, which kicks off late September. So maybe I won't get that day off after all.
James Dodd's 'Ultimate Bike Art Adventure' takes place on 1 August. 'Pigment High' exhibits Hugo Michell Gallery until 22 August.