Once again, the stunningly talented and quick-witted performer Naomi Price returns with her one woman show 'Rumour Has It'.
Naomi Price as Adele performs the show as a celebration and showcase of the Grammy award-winner’s music and an intimate insight into her life. The award-winning show has toured both nationally and internationally and will be performed for the first time at Redland Performing Arts Centre, Ipswich and Logan.
The show has been performed for four years now and Naomi can only describe it as a beautiful show and a gift that keeps on giving. Naomi loved Adele’s album ‘21’ and got together with her friend Adam after learning that they both had gone through a bad breakup.

“We got talking about how everyone’s probably cried in their car to ‘Someone Like You’ or taken out their frustration on an ex by belting out ‘Rolling in the Deep’,” Naomi says. “She’s just so good at capturing effortlessly how you feel during a breakup.”
The pair decided to write a show about it, which was originally called 'Cheer The Fuck Up Adele'. “It was a piss take and having a laugh about how she sings sad songs all the time,” Naomi says. But after her and Adam did some research on this British wonder, they discovered something very unexpected.

“She’s totally down to earth and not pretentious at all,” Naomi says. “She’s the kind of girl you could invite over for a gin and tonic and a bite to eat.”
Although Naomi didn’t start out as a 'mega fan', she soon fell completely in love with Adele and was fascinated by her life experiences. The show is a performance of Adele’s music, but Naomi doesn’t see herself as an impersonator or an impressionist... Merely a story teller.

“Anyone that’s ever portrayed a real person, you kind of go, that’s just an actor doing their job and telling this great story about this person who happens to be real,” Naomi says. “With Adele, if you want to see the real Adele just go and buy a ticket for her show, but if you’re more interested in her life and her background then you come and see our show and hopefully get something a little bit different.”
The award-winning performer says that she now sees ‘Adele’ as almost her second skin, but don’t ever invite her to a fancy dress party. “I hate dressing up if I’m not on stage so if someone invites me to a fancy dress party I’m like hell no, that’s my job!” Naomi says.

“That would be like inviting a heart surgeon to your medical themed party and everyone has to dress up as doctors and nurses… Why would I do that? I’d rather be myself!” she laughs.
'Rumour Has It' Tour Dates
3 March – Ipswich Civic Centre10 March – Logan Entertainment Centre
11 March – Redland Performing Arts Centre
18 March – Mackay Entertainment Centre
25 March – The Arts Centre Gold Coast
6-8 April – The Q (Canberra)
28 April – Orange Civic Centre
5-6 May – Whitehorse Centre (Melbourne)
10 May – Albury Entertainment Centre
14 June – Mandurah Performing Arts Centre
16-17 June – His Majesty's Theatre (Perth)
22 June – Kalamunda Performing Arts Centre (Perth)
23 June – Koorliny Arts Centre (Kwinana)
24 June – Cummins Theatre (Merredin)
1 September – Riverlinks Eastbank (Shepparton)
2 September – The Forge Theatre and Arts Hub (Bairnsdale)
14 October – Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre (Nowra)