After the success of their hit show 'Love/Hate Actually', Amy Currie and Natalie Bochenski have found something else to argue about.
This time, the women are taking sides in one of the greatest debates of all – cats vs dogs.
'Puppies Vs Kittens' will see Amy and Natalie try to convince the audience of their preferred pet’s superiority across a number of categories (or should that be dogegories?) in a comedy variety show. Who will win?
A portion of the proceeds from the show will go to local animal rescue groups.
Ahead of the show’s debut at Perth Fringe World, Amy and Natalie pawsed to tell us why their side is better.
AMY (Dogs)
First of all, let me be clear. I don’t hate cats! Dogs are just. . . Better. They’re glorious, magical creatures made of fur, slobber and pure love. It’s no wonder dogs and humans have been BFFs for thousands of years – and no wonder that we still obsess over them today. I’ve been a huge fan of dogs since I was a child. My mother still cracks up telling me about the time she found me, aged three or four, sitting in a mud puddle adding extra spots to our extremely patient Dalmatian, Higgins, while loudly singing “Put a spot over here, and a spot over there”. There aren’t too many cats who would put up with that.And is there anything better than coming home after a long day and being greeted by a creature who’s so excited just to see you that sometimes they can’t help but wee a little? While cats nap their lives away, dogs are always ready to party – if you’re happy, they’re happy. I could wax lyrical about how brave and heroic they are, write odes to their adorability (particularly when wearing ridiculous costumes) and weep happy tears over countless heartwarming dog adoption stories, but I think my strongest argument is this: a movie called 'Dogs' never lost $100 million.

Oh, yes, it’s very zeitgeisty of Amy to have a crack at 'Cats', the ill-fated, creepy CGI furry horrorshow that’s already mostly disappeared from cinemas. 'Cats' the musical was always trash. I remember seeing it as a teenager, being subjected to an overly enthusiastic Rum Tum Tugger wag his tail in front of my face, and thinking getting my braces installed was more entertaining. Blaming actual cats for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s crimes against theatre is hardly a triumphant argument.Domestic cats are in fact the closest things we have to living gods among us. How else can you explain their nine lives? Cats possess a higher knowledge. They *know* things. They see into our very souls, and they judge us as such. Dogs want our approval, but cats make us work for theirs. They make us better people. Forget all other idols, and get yourself a cat. Your spiritual succour will come from graciously gifted head boops, dispensing thorough scritches, and receiving the jabbing, needle-like massage of tiny claws kneading your skin. The scars you will bear will reflect the lessons in respect and consent they teach you. And that’s not to say cats don’t bring joy. They are the internet’s most memed animal for good reason. Any subversion of their innate self-confidence is instantly recognisable and hilarious. Also, men cuddling kittens is objectively the hottest thing on planet earth, so there’s that.