Puck Explores The Internet For Anywhere Festival

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Magnetic North Theatre Company return to Anywhere Festival after successful seasons of 'Medusa' last year and 'Cassandra And The Boy Doll' in 2016.

'Puck' takes its name and lead character from Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Puck is on the internet now. The show is a blend of multimedia and live performance and here, Puck writes a letter to the internet itself.

“Dear Internet,
I've been observing you for some time now. I have done some investigationing in some of your more personal crevices and have found many angry people, eggs who speak in short sentences, and honestly more genitals than even I, a celestial Fae being, could have guessed. I have been thinkering about you, Internet, and I have some questions to be asking you.

ONE: Of all the good animals that grace this human plane, why are you so obsessed with cats? They're quite small and very hairy. Certainly, they are devious and lazy like many Fae from my realm… But why not have the apple of your eye be something like an antelope? They at least have horns, and little clippy clop feet! Much more interesting animals overall.

TWO: Your "Facebook" escapes my immortal understanding. I know of faces and I know of books, but these books of faces where people argue and bicker, and share yet more pictures of cats… Is the sole purpose to argue with others? Perhaps you use these ‘memes’ as coded messages between allies? I am certain there is a tactical advantage to these dribbles of drivel and I would like to be enbrightened.

THREE: I have noticed you have a number of deep holes, Internet, (possibly made by rabbits? Another better animal than the cat) that contain excellent theories. An example of intelligence you seem to hide in these dark orifices is “““the moon”””. I, like many dullard humans, saw you catapulting yourself into space and assumed you were heading right for your orby shiner. But I have been informed: sweet moon is not accessible by rocketboys. She is deceiving you and, like many places in the Fae realm, has convinced you of her existence. She lies, sheeple. Moon is lying! She is not there!

Please reply posthaste, mail to Puck the Fae (whisper to the letter 'it is I he seeks')

Love, Puck”

'Puck' plays The Hidden Garden, Bardon from 10-19 May.

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