Orly Faya Paint Bodies For The Gaia Collection

Orly Faya
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A travelling artist for the past 12 years, Australian-born Orly Faya has started a crowd-founding campaign to push her works into the wider public. 

Orly Faya has a message: “we came from the earth, live from the earth, and will return to the earth.” With this message, and an art form that is both unique and exquisite, Faya uses body art to paint people back into the earth.

Running for a month from May until June, 'The Gaia Collection' is Faya's debut exhibition. Taking place at the Burrinja Cultural Centre in the Dandenong Ranges of Victoria, Faya has started a crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo to help her with the project.

Each of her artworks represent a story, an expedition, and a powerful interaction between the person being painted, Faya, and the earth. All of her works are considered part of The Gaia Project – an entity designed to establish creative collaborations to create an impact on social and environmental changes.

Faya considered herself a citizen of the world and her goal through her art is to facilitate that same sense in others. Whether Faya's art inspires you in such a way, or not, her art is truly something to be behold.

'The Gaia Collection', which is almost half funded already, offers rewards such as a 'blessing from afar' (for $1 donations) to an A3 Matt Laminate Print, a fridge magnet and even a personal merge sesh – where the buyer will be painted into the world.

Help paint the world (and a few bodies) with Orly Faya's 'The Gaia Collection'. 'The Gaia Collection' will take place at Burrinja Gallery, 8 May - 7 June.

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