Opera Australia – The Barber Of Seville Turns Opera On Its Head With Chaos And Mistaken Identities

'The Barber Of Seville' - Image © Opera Australia
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Gioachino Rossini's 'opera buffa' 'The Barber Of Seville' is set to fizz and pop when Opera Australia presents it at Queensland's Redland Performing Arts Centre.

It's comedic chaos wrapped in the beauty and structure of an opera, as canny barber Figaro – skilled as he is with scissors and razors – taps into his matchmaking side to try his luck helping would-be lovers with a romantic encounter.

The fine voices of Opera Australia and a live orchestra deliver an instantly-familiar score to soundtrack a riotous, light-hearted story.

Before 'The Barber Of Seville' hits Redland Performing Arts Centre, we chat to cast member Cathy-Di Zhang, who shares the role of Rosina with fellow actor Esther Song.

For those unfamiliar, give us the lowdown on 'The Barber Of Seville'.
The famous Count Almaviva has arrived in town after falling in love with Rosina. However, there is one small problem, Rosina is under strict lockdown by her guardian, Dr Bartolo, who is also in love with her — so the Count enlists the help of his old servant and friend, Figaro (the local barber) to give him some ideas! What follows is utter chaos, disguises and mistaken identities!

You (and Esther Song) play Rosina in the show. Tell us a bit about her!
Rosina is in love with 'Lindoro' (who is ACTUALLY the Count in disguise!) But she is stuck inside with her guardian, Bartolo. In order to escape with her love she will need to outsmart everyone around her! Luckily, her friend Figaro is there to help. . .

BarberOfSeville OperaAustralia2023 JeffBusby1
Image © Jeff Busby

What’s your favourite thing about playing this role?
It’s such a fun role! Rosina is strong, smart, charming and funny. It is an absolute joy to play her! I also love that this opera is a comedy. Most of the time, opera is tragic and sad, so it’s a real treat not to have to have anyone die in this one!

You were on the tour of this show last year. What’s it like to return to a character you’ve already played?
It is like catching up with a dear old friend! It feels familiar and comfortable. Most of my cast mates are also coming back so it is a true reunion for us and our characters! Our onstage (and offstage) relationships and friendships have deepened and we now have the opportunity to further develop our characterisations!

And what would you say is the most gripping/entertaining thing about 'The Barber Of Seville'?
From the moment the show starts till the end — it is all madness on stage and non-stop vocal fireworks. There is never a dull moment! The music is catchy, lots of famous tunes and the costumes and sets are colourful and gorgeous!

What’s your favourite way to prepare for a show?
I like to have a good sleep in and just take it easy during the day, since I need a lot of energy for this show! I like to prepare my body and mind with some yoga, which also gets my breath flowing! I love getting into my wig, makeup and costume — that’s when I feel like I have transformed into Rosina!

BarberOfSeville OperaAustralia2023 JeffBusby2
Image © Jeff Busby

There is a Vocal Ensemble Workshop ahead of the show – an opportunity to join Opera Australia’s choir leader/chorus members. What can attendees learn at one of these?
How to sing as part of a group, and what a wonderful feeling that is! All of us on tour alternate between singing our principal roles and chorus so we all get enough vocal rest. Attendees can also sing with professional opera singers and get inside tips on all things voice-related!

And what are you most looking forward to about presenting it to audiences at Redland Performing Arts Centre?
We are really looking forward to bringing the full opera experience to the town. We know it is a bit of a trek to the Sydney Opera House from Cleveland, so hopefully, we can bring the Sydney Opera House experience to all of you! We are also very excited to be meeting our childrens’ chorus and sharing the stage with them!

Describe 'The Barber Of Seville' in one sentence.
Action-packed, full of tunes and just complete bonkers!

'The Barber Of Seville' plays Redland Performing Arts Centre (Queensland) on 22 July.

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