National Circus Festival – Warren Brophy Has A Date With Danger On The Wheel Of Death

The Wheel Of Death
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

New South Wales' National Circus Festival is on the horizon, promising a programme of all things acrobatic and topsy turvy.

After a wild time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Circus Festival is finally ready to go full steam ahead, and will present shows like 'A Simple Space' from Gravity & Other Myths, 'Werk It' from Circus Trick Tease, and more.

Attendees can watch – if they dare – The Wheel Of Death, starring Warren Brophy, as part of the festival. It's an 800 kilogram steel pendulum which can reach a dizzying 12 metres in height. Warren will perform acrobatics, skip, and even walk blindfolded, all while maintaining his balance atop the rotating cage.

With no safety nets or wires, it's truly a marvel to witness and an edge-of-your-seat experience.

We sat down with Warren – an experienced, seventh-generation circus performer from the Perry Bros Circus family – to learn more about this death-defying offering at National Circus Festival.

What do you love about what you do?
I love performing, especially danger acts. It's great to be able to get great reactions from the audience.

And what are you looking forward to about performing as part of the National Circus Festival?
It's been a very slow couple of years with all the cancellations from COVID so it's great to finally be back doing festivals. I'm a Gold Coast local so this event is basically in my backyard.

Why do you think a festival like this one is important/a good thing for crowds to head along to?
There are so many fantastic artists performing so it's going to be amazing to see all the shows and especially the variety of acts.

Tell us what you’ll be bringing.
I'm performing The Wheel Of Death, this is my signature act. I have performed all over Australia and around the world with this act.

Wheel Of Death 1
Image © Scott Belzner Photography

Why do you think The Wheel Of Death is the perfect fit for this festival?
I haven’t had it at this festival before so something new is good and its such a big piece of equipment standing 12 metres high so everyone will get a good view of the show.

What kind of training is involved in preparing for something like this?
Lots of cardio! The wheel weighs 800 kilogram and it's just my weight used to push it around.

Do you have a pre-Wheel Of Death ritual you do to psych yourself up for it?
I'm always psyched up. I have been performing wheel for ten years so I'm super relaxed while performing.

And what is it about things like The Wheel Of Death that you think audiences love so much?
The danger elements. It's a very exciting show, very fast paced and all performed without safety mats and people are very aware of the danger involved so it's a case of 'I don’t want to look but can’t look away'!

The 2022 National Circus Festival runs from 30 September-2 October at Mullumbimby Showgrounds.

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