Mrs. Thistletwat: Avenue Q's Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs Thistletwat @ Brisbane Arts Theatre
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A coming-of-age parable, 'Avenue Q' satirizes the issues and anxieties associated with entering adulthood.

From its beginnings on Broadway in 2003, the adult-themed comedy tells the tale of college graduate Princeton's move to an affordable neighbourhood in New York City. In his quest to follow his dreams, he is influenced by some colourful (and fuzzy) characters.

One such character is Mrs. Thistletwat, who plays Kate Monster's boss.

Are you excited to be performing in Australia, Mrs. T?
As you know I do have a huge fear of flying, so I will be arriving by boat. I have heard that your [previous] PM is quite diligent about greeting people who arrive by boat with loving arms, so I am quite looking forward to my Navy reception upon arrival. Mr. Thistletwat is unable to come on this trip as he is being reupholstered, so I am very keen to have a gin or two with the handsome Australian men like that charming Elton John. He seems to be quite the ladies man.

Will you be polishing up on your Australian English spellings and colloquialisms?
I do not speak foreign languages. American English can be found painted on the cave walls of the Grand Canyon and pre-dates the dinosaurs. Once I was assigned a French class and I spent the whole term warning our students of the need to build a giant wall between our country and Mexico to keep those Frog-eaters out! Ms. Bainboob was told by a local Australian that she had a face like a dropped pie, concerned she was about to be licked, she left the club immediately.

How long have you been a kindergarten teacher?
My dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher began quite late in life. With a passion for simultaneous yodelling and highland dancing, my one woman show 'My Kilt Is For Yodelling' was quite successful at the New York Fringe Festival seen by tens of people. In need of money for some Marlboros, I stumbled across a want ad in the local times and fell into this career. In October, I commiserate my 60th year of kindergarten teaching.

Who are some of your most famous ex-students?
A lady does not kiss and tell!

How do you make grammar fun to learn?
With a very large stick.

Do you still hold the title of the New York Times Crossword Champion?
I am the undisputed crossword champion from the last six years.

What is one of your favourite hobbies, aside from crosswords?
I am the undisputed crossword champion from the last six years.

What is something you just cannot tolerate from a poor student?
Seeing the clothes they wear. Mandatory kindergarten uniforms should be in place and I have been lobbying congress for years! Also, when they come up to me and say 'Mrs. Thistletwat, I am so hungry, can you spare a sandwich?' Ewww, these sandwiches are mine, children.

How do you keep your youthful, purple complexion?
Believe it or not, I was not born purple. My mother bathed me in grape juice as a baby. She would sometimes add gin and give the tub  a nice shake (not stir) to infuse the flavour. My daily regime involves Oil Of Ewlay and weekly trips to my seamstress for touch-ups.

What is on your list of dressing room necessities?
I simply must have one tub of plain yogurt and a pack of banana bread. If I am feeling hungry, I will generally eat fairy bread without the sprinkles

Which Australian celebrity do you hope to rub-shoulders with?
I will be very busy performing every weekend, but if an Australian celebrity would like to meet me, they can put in a request with my agent. I am very popular in the USA and many celebrities try to meet me but I simply do not have time for the high life.

'Avenue Q' plays Brisbane Arts Theatre, 17 October – 19 December.

– written by Leisa Howlett

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