Mo Movie Session

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

It’s that time of year once again to swap your razors with moustache combs and start growing or at least faking it to put the Mo in Movember.

The idea behind Movember is for men from all around Australia and the world go au naturale to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health in relation to organisations such as the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and beyondblue. It doesn’t matter whether you look like an adult film star or connoisseur of fine wines, it’s all for a good cause.

To celebrate the assortment of moustaches to come, Movember is paying homage to classic showbiz Mos through its nationwide Mo Movie Session to run until the end of November.

Mo Bros and Mo Sistas are invited to come along to their free local screenings as they aspire to match the big league Mo’s from films such as The Castle, Hot Fuzz, The Artist and plenty more. So much serenity.

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