Metro Arts Brisbane 2023 Programme

Metro Arts
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

The year 2023 is kicking off with a bang at Brisbane’s Metro Arts, highlighting multidisciplinary artists, new perspectives, and bold choices through dance, movement, theatre, and music.

“We invite our audiences to find moments of magic in our 2023 programme where this year’s performances continue to champion challenging, experiential and inclusive art-making and artists including works with underlying and overt physicality through to the thought-provoking,” Metro Arts CEO and Artistic Director Jo Thomas says.

Metro Arts will, in 2023, provide a space for national artists to grow, develop, experience, and carve out sustainable arts practice.

‘Betwixt’ by Pink Matter examines what lies between fear and freedom through street dance and spoken word. Bring A Plate Dance Company, meanwhile, unbottles the joy of uninhibited movement in the immersive, one-off event ‘The People’s Dance Party’.

Architects of Sound MetroArts
The Architects Of Sound

The Architects Of Sound will, for one night only, create an earworm extravaganza in ‘Rough, Red & Raw’, a sonic and comedic experience which is live, loose, and extremely LGBTQIA+.

Next up, indelabilityarts shines the spotlight on women and mental health in ‘SHE’ (See us, Hear us, Engage with us), led by Amy Ingram of The Good Room. It shares good, bad and ugly stories to challenge perceptions about our collective emotional wellbeing.

Also raw and reflective, ‘Break’ looks at what happens when dreams stretch to breaking point from the perspective of professional acrobat and former Circa performer Cecelia Martin, and The Farm, in a physical love letter to circus performance.

Break Jax Oliver MetroArts
'Break' – Image © Jax Oliver

For 2023, the Metro Arts Artist In Residence is First Nations (Bidjara/Kullali/Wakka Wakka) Italian artist, choreographer and performer Joshua Taliani.

“When you come to Metro Arts you expect the unexpected. You get the chance to be the first one there,” Jo Thomas says.  

“Metro Arts is experimental, experiential, inclusive, bold and brave. We are multidisciplinary, we are a bit of everything and we are where art starts. We are telling the stories of here and now.”

Check out the programme here. Tickets are on sale now.

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