This summer school holidays, entertain your little badgers with a charming tale of adventure and discovery, in a one-man adaptation of 'Wind In The Willows' starring Luke Carroll.
One of the true enduring classics of children's literature, Kenneth Grahame's rollicking tale of four woodland creatures will be given a fresh coat of paint by writer/director team Maxine Mellor and Kat Henry. Full of heart and humour, 'The Wind In The Willows' gently addresses some of the big questions about humanity, time and the value of friendship.
With Luke ('Play School', 'Black Diggers') embracing the persona's of Ratty, Mole, Badger and the incorrigible Mr. Toad, join him on his journey, trials and misadventures around the river, the wild woods and beyond.

For me it is a story of adventure and entering the unknown, meeting different characters and the importance of what friendship is.
Did you read it growing up?
No, I can't recall reading it but I've known of existence from an early age. It's great that I could visit it finally through this production.
Who was your favourite character and what was their most interesting adventure?
Toad for me is one character who stands out. I could relate to him in so many ways which I hope is a good thing haha! I love his enthusiasm and love that he invites those who he meets to come and explore his 'world', although as we know, it lands him into trouble once to often.
This is a one-man show, how do you pull off so many characters?
That's the big question and it's going to be a massive challenge the creative team and I face once we start rehearsals. I think the key will be to try and simplify things as much as possible while being true to the great tale of the piece. Also remembering that we'll be doing two shows a day which in itself is a challenge but one I'm looking forward to having a crack at.
You recently had your second child, will Enzo grow up with the adventures of Ratty, Mole, Bedger and Mr. Toad?
Enzo has already had an introduction to the book. Part of my preparation for this has been reading him a few pages each night as he goes to sleep.
What other stories will you be reading the little one?
I've collected a few children's books over the years through my work on 'Play School' so he will have a whole library to choose from. Being Aboriginal, I also want him to read some dreamtime stories that I read growing up, that will help with him learning some more of his culture.
You recently starred in 'Black Diggers', an all-Indigenous show, do you think its important to have all-Indigenous productions in theatre and entertainment in general?
Most definitely. I've always said that film, television and theatre productions are a great way to tell stories and through this you are able to educate people about certain subjects they may not have had an understanding about previously. In saying that, there are some world-class productions being produced by the Indigenous component of this country's industry and I'm honoured to be apart of it. It's something all Australians should be proud of and embrace.
If there was a movie based on your life, who would play you and what characteristics would they have to channel?
Hmmm...I'm not sure who would play me because hopefully I'll be around for a lot longer and the actor who would play me hasn't been born yet. In saying that, there are a number of young talented Aboriginal actors coming through the ranks who I'd have the confidence of playing me. They'd have to have an open mind, be true to themselves and most importantly live life to the fullest.
What do you want kids and parents to say as they leave?
I would love to hear the kids ask their parents if their friends can come over and play so they can re-enact 'Wind In The Willows' in the backyard and the parents response being, 'yes, we can pack the iPad away'!
And what will you be saying to yourself on opening day?
Have fun and if all else fails...improvise! Which won't happen of course (laughs).

'Wind In The Willows' is a classic and I know that there are many parents who may have read the book at some stage in their lives so I invite all of the family to come along and witness what's going to be a highly entertaining production.
'The Wind In The Willows' plays at La Boite, 7-17 January.
La Boite's 2015 season overview.