Le Aerial Will Leave You In Awe At Fringe World

'Le Aerial'
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Aerial Artists Australia return to the stage for Fringe World in 'Le Aerial'.

'Le Aerial' is  a spectacular display of aerial grace and beauty. High flying, high energy performers treating you to breathtaking aerial manoeuvres which will thrill and inspire. Be delighted by the special ‘Cirque’-type skills and moves which will have you gasping in awe.

Allow the characters of 'Le Aerial' to draw you in.

Le Aerial1

High level gymnasts, dancers, singers and aerialists have joined together under the direction of Aerial Artists Australia to bring a night full of aerial curiosity.

Aerial Artists Australia brings together some of Australia's best gymnasts, divers, dancers and athletes. The company pushes hard to strive in new forms of aerial work, captivating audiences with creative and exciting pieces of aerial equipment.

'Le Aerial' plays The Edith Spiegeltent at Yagan Square from 18 January-3 February.

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