Hilarious double act of gender confusion.
Followers of cabaret will know Carita Farrer Spencer from her early days in Brisbane where she launched her career almost 20 years ago with the hugely successful Women In Voice series. Much has changed over the ensuing years but her sharp wit and comedic touch – combined with her impressive vocal ability – has made her a star of Australia’s cabaret and comedy circuit.
In this latest production, 'Larry Paradiseo And the Fabulous Dame Farrar' we get two shows for the price of one with the Fabulous Dame Farrar and Larry Paradiseo appearing together in a double act … with herself!

The Fabulous Dame Farrar
First up on this double bill is Dame Farrar herself, a superbly talented diva and appalling lush whose performance is fuelled by her love of Gin Martinis. In between her show-stopping renditions of well-known songs, the Dame regales us with hilarious tales of her life in the Hungarian opera scene and the tragic death of her mother (also a diva) at the hands of a bottle of Listerine.
Born from a long line of divas, the Dame has been married so many times she has lost count. How many husbands were there? Five? Seven? Or maybe eight? She can’t remember, but that does not deter her from seeking out members of the audience as potential partners.
Accompanied by the talented Stephen Russell on piano, the Dame moves effortlessly between sultry jazz and soaring opera filling the spaces between with her hilarious onstage antics.
40 minutes into the show we are given some relief in the way of an interval. Just time enough to catch our breath, grab a drink and wipe away the tears of laughter – ready for the arrival of the outrageous ‘International Sex Symbol’ Larry Paradiseo, a showbiz God from Vegas who has a way with the ladies.

Larry Paradiseo
Larry is fat, rude and extremely crude, and makes Barry Humphries’ Les Patterson look relatively harmless. But Larry can sing and he tackles some popular tunes that most performers would avoid as too demanding. But Carita obviously revels playing Larry and draws in audience members to share in his shameless behaviour.
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any funnier, Larry announces a surprise guest – the much loved star of Eurovision, Conchita Wurst who takes to the stage singing her hit 'Rise Like A Penis', err Phoenix.
This show is a double shot of hilarity and the standing ovation continued as the house lights came up. This is a hilarious night of gender confusion with one of Australia’s most renowned cabaret performers.
'Larry Paradiseo And The Fabulous Dame Farrar' plays the Judith Wright Centre – or as the Dame calls it, the Righteous Centre for Temporary Arts – until 18 July. File under H for Hilarious. And don’t miss it!