What do you get when you combine outrageous cabaret, a powerful singing voice and a fondness for dressing up? Carita Farrer Spencer's latest show premiering at the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts, 'Larry Paradiseo And The Fabulous Dame Farrar', of course.
In celebration of the premiere, the two stars, Larry and Dame Farrar, got together to answer some questions:
So, you two, it's your first time being in a show together. Are you excited?
DF: Yes, it's always exciting doing a show because it means I can pay off some layby's. And thankfully Larry pulls a big crowd.
LP: I was born excited.

The Fabulous Dame Farrar
Larry, when you first saw Dame Farrar, what did you think?
There's something very familiar about that woman.
And Dame Farrar, what was your impression of Larry?
Who's Larry?
You both have very different performance styles. How do you think that will go together in a show?
Both: We go together like Piña & Colada.
Do either of you have any special pre-performance rituals or warm ups you like to do?
DF: I never go onstage without powdering my nose.
LP: Dame, that stuff will kill you.

Larry Paradiseo
Dame Farrar, you've said before that Australia is run by amateurs. As an American, Larry, what do you think?
LP: What happened to that sexy red head? I lost interest in Australian politics after those fools got rid of her...
You both always take such care in your appearances. If you could give our readers one piece of beauty advice, what would it be?
DF: Beauty comes from within... from within bottles, jars and compacts.
LP: You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.
Now you both sing, and very well too. What records are you listening to at the moment?
LP: I love anything by Conchita Wurst.
DF: Unfortunately my ex-husbands have cleaned out my collection.
And finally, are either of you seeing anyone special at the moment?
Both: Yes, and it's like looking in a mirror.
'Larry Paradiseo And The Fabulous Dame Farrar' perform the Judith Wright Centre as part of 'Women In Voice', 15-18 July.