Jean Paul Gaultier's Fashion Freak Show – A Stylish Theatrical Experience Is In Town For Brisbane Festival

'Jean Paul Gaultier's Fashion Freak Show'
Melbourne/ Naarm-based entertainment writer, unravelling the city's cultural kaleidoscope through words. Weaving tales of creativity, events, and personalities that make Naarm shine.

Jean Paul Gaultier’s reputation for breaking barriers in fashion is well-known. From Madonna’s iconic cone bra to his fearless embrace of individuality, Gaultier’s work has always defied the norm.

Now, with 'Jean Paul Gaultier's Fashion Freak Show' making its Australian debut at Brisbane Festival 2024, audiences are getting a front-row seat to a spectacle that blends couture, live music, and performance art. For cast member, Australian-born dancer and aerial artist Katie Baring-Gould, stepping into Gaultier’s world is nothing short of a dream.

From her first week in this exhilarating extravaganza, Baring-Gould describes her journey as a whirlwind. Joining the Gaultier universe was both a surprise and an obvious choice for her.

“I actually already had a lovely connection with the associate director Fanny Coindet,” she shares. When Coindet reached out, asking if Baring-Gould was available for the show, the decision was easy. “I put my hand up and said, absolutely, let’s do it! It was kind of spontaneous. I only found out maybe two months before the show was set to arrive in Australia.”

For Baring-Gould, diving into the heart of Gaultier’s creative whirlwind has been a thrilling ride. 'Fashion Freak Show' is as much a journey through Gaultier’s inventive mind as it is a showcase of his iconic designs. The South Bank Piazza stage has been transformed into a vibrant, chaotic playground where disco, funk, punk, and pop collide. Picture a Parisian cabaret crashing into a high-energy runway, with a touch of rock ‘n’ roll. Behind the scenes, the spectacle only gets wilder.

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“It’s a bit of a circus, but a really, really fun circus,” Katie notes. The show features circus elements and aerial performances, with each performer donning Gaultier’s extravagant, often impractical couture creations. “Some of the pieces are so extravagant and detailed, they’re not exactly made for dancing. But that’s part of the fun – it’s a challenge and a spectacle all at once.”

Gaultier’s 'Fashion Freak Show' is anything but conventional. It’s a rollercoaster of style, sexuality, and rebellion, featuring larger-than-life characters and video cameos from Gaultier’s celebrity friends. The production spans decades of Gaultier’s career, from his childhood days dressing teddy bears in corsets to his groundbreaking runway shows. It nods to his punk roots and the era-defining AIDS crisis, capturing the essence of everything that shaped him.

Having performed outside Europe only once before, 'Fashion Freak Show' has already made a striking impact in Australia. Baring-Gould observes a palpable cultural shift in the audience. “Look, I think so far, it’s been received quite well. We can be a little bit reserved, and I feel like that's our culture. But at the premiere, we had everyone standing at the end, giving a standing ovation. They even got up to dance with us, and they said that’s pretty rare.”

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The show’s raw, unapologetic energy is clearly resonating with the crowd. As audiences immerse themselves in Gaultier’s vibrant world, they shed their reservations and embrace a newfound freedom. The transformation is evident – spectators who might usually shy away from such flamboyance are visibly moved, their perceptions shifted. Witnessing this metamorphosis is not just compelling, it’s a testament to the show’s power to redefine boundaries and ignite self-expression.

'Fashion Freak Show' is more than a fashion spectacle; it’s a cultural phenomenon that’s unapologetically loud, raw, and full of heart. Gaultier’s designs break barriers and celebrate individuality, brought to life by a dynamic ensemble of dancers, actors, and circus performers. For Katie, being part of this has been an unparalleled experience. “The energy is insane,” she exclaims. “Come and see the show. It's fantastic. Bring your friends, bring your family. It's not to be missed, and we don't know when we’ll be back in Australia again, so don’t miss out.”

From the runways of Paris to the vibrant banks of Brisbane, Gaultier’s magic transcends borders. 'Jean Paul Gaultier's Fashion Freak Show' is a celebration of the outsider in all of us – a spectacle for fashion aficionados and anyone seeking unfiltered entertainment. Grab your tickets, don your most outrageous outfit, and get ready to be swept up in a full-throttle celebration of individuality and creative rebellion.

'Jean Paul Gaultier's Fashion Freak Show' plays South Bank Piazza (Brisbane Festival) until 15 September.

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