Celebrate the small problems with ‘#FirstWorldWhiteGirls’.
In a world where there are plenty of big-picture things going on, we still seem to find a lot of time to fuss over the smaller things. Judy Hainsworth (Babushka) and Kaitlin Oliver Parker have taken note of this, and have created a hysterically entertaining show to celebrate everything we love to moan about. From our online profiles to the size of our clothing budgets, ‘#FirstWorldWhiteGirls’ is a name tag that the two creators wear proudly.

“The idea is we want to give people an opportunity to luxuriate in their problems,” says Kaitlin. “Our motto is ‘first world problems are real problems’ and for us no problem is too small. The stereotypical ‘First world white girl’ really likes to revel in first world problems. We were thinking about things that annoy us and the #firstworldproblems kind of caught our imagination, and so we developed characters that are ourselves but are also larger than life – they’re vainglorious versions of ourselves.”
Rather than a narrative-style show, ‘#FirstWorldWhiteGirls’ is more of a stand-up style therapy session, with the audience acting as witness and participant in Judy and Kaitlin’s caricatured issues. “It’s kind of more us dispersing our wisdom, there’s stories in there, but it’s mostly the audience working through our problems with us.”

The show itself is, Kaitlin says, extremely parodic in its approach to humour, and so with that comes a certain undercurrent of seriousness. While the audience is laughing along with the relatable content, Kaitlin and Judy would also like watchers to walk away with something to ponder on.
“The characters in the show, I don’t think they ever have any huge realisation, but there’s definitely some reality in the show for the audience to reflect on. In its extremeness it’s holding up a bit of a mirror to society, and examining how frivolous and petty we can be. As well as that though, we’re also self-parodying, and we love that. The more fun we can make of ourselves, the better. Firmly and squarely, we are absolutely part of the first-world white girl category. We’re all guilty of having a whinge now and then.”

But who is a ‘#FirstWorldWhiteGirl’? How can we know if we are part of this category? Kaitlin has an easy answer for this one.
“Everyone is one! ‘First world white girl’ is a very inclusive term. We say you don’t have to be white or a girl. It’s really an attitude or a way of life. The stereotypical first world white girl is anyone who has a problem. We talk about problems such as how to shop like Paris Hilton when you don’t have Paris Hilton’s budget – that’s a problem. Facebook RSVPs, that’s a problem everyone has – they don’t mean anything, they’re useless. How can you live up to your online persona in real life. These are first world problems that you don’t have to be white or a girl, everyone has these problems.”
'#FirstWorldWhiteGirls' plays Redland Performing Arts Centre, 28 August.