Hamlet @ Spring Hill Reservoir Review

Hamlet @ Spring Hill Reservoir
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

We all have our preconceived notions of 'Hamlet' by how it has been presented to us in the past.

All the world's a stage, and we, the audience, are removed, as we look on from a formal setting away from the subjects.

My notions were happily shot out of the water with HeartBeast Theatre's performance in Brisbane's most eclectic space, the Spring Hill Reservoir. Upon entering via the rugged scaffolding into the subterranean labyrinth of interconnecting rooms, the eerie lighting and haunting reverberating sounds almost payed tribute to the 'Blade Runner' sounds of a displaced future, and I knew we were in for a treat.

As an intimate number of 50 audience members, we were scattered around the various rooms, and catapulted into the world of Shakespeare as the characters walked among us, in the most interactive way an audience can participate. They shared their diegetic stage with us, as we interacted on an intimate, voyeuristic level and physically followed the actors from room to room. The rooms set the different stages for the famous bard's play to dramatically unfold.

The costumes, by Jacqueline Kerr, reminded me of an amalgam of early 'Doctor Who', early sci-fi TV shows, and steampunk 'Mad Max' stylisation. The actors' use of space, basic props and physical body movements like crawling and lying down were utilised to their maximum potential, because the audience was right there with them and not lost far away in formal seating.

As for each of the cast members, I take my hat off to them. The deliverance and the world they engrossed us into was second to none. This would also be due to the guidance of directors Adrienne Costello and David Paterson.

A must see production in Brisbane.

HeartBeast Theatre's 'Hamlet' plays at Spring Hill Reservoir until 21 October.

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