Ghostboy's Top Five Poems

David Stavanger aka Ghostboy
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

David Stavanger – aka Ghostboy – is the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde of Australian poetry.

He won the Thomas Shapcott Poetry Award in 2013, he's a Green Room nominated spoken weird cabaret artist known for his live shows with Richard Grantham (Deep Blue) and the band Golden Virtues, and he's also established the thriving QLD poetry slam scene.

We asked him what his five fav poems are:

'Telephone Booth #905 1/2' by Pedro Pietri.

This could be here for the phrase "I am feeling too good/ to report to work today!" But it is more than that, a concise direct provocation to rise and stir it up.

'At Roane Head' by Robin Robertson.

Most unsettling poem I have ever read - implies much, vivid imagery of selkies drawing on Scottish mythology, the kind of Gothic violence that doesn't need to draw blood to cut.

'The Great Escape' by Charles Bukowski.

I read this when I need to remember that I am not a crab, that others will always try to pull you down, especially oneself, and that we are all in the bucket.

'The Fall' by Jordie Albiston.

This piece calls to me like a wound. It doesn't just capture depression it doesn't release it either. Close to my favourite Australian poem.

'Possession' by Emily XYZ.

I wanted to choose Emily's 'Slot Machine', but this is still the most electric two-voice text I have ever seen, performed live at QLD Poetry Festival in 2006. "a person who always hums is possessed". Yes!

David will be launching his first full-length collection of poetry, 'The Special', at the Judith Wright Centre as part of the Queensland Poetry Festival August 30. 

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