After a cracking start for 2015 with Anywhere Brisbane, Mackay and Isaac, and Parramatta, the Anywhere Festival returns to Frankston for its second year.
'Anywhere but a theatre' is the mantra that lies behind the festival, and with that thought in mind, this year's Frankston event is set to be dotted all over the place – from the streets to cafés, libraries, homesteads and more. Featuring new works by emerging and established artists, the Anywhere Festival is taking theatre back to the streets and making it a medium that is accessible for all and everyone.

“What rocks about Anywhere Festival is it appeals to anyone who wants something exciting and different. People come who aren't regular theatre goers as well as theatre goers that are looking for something more than the regular experience,” says co-founder Paul Osuch. “It also appeals to anyone who wants to explore the nooks and crannies of Frankston and wanted an excuse to do so.”
Running for two weeks across August and September, the festival places the focus on the artists themselves. Providing them with rent-free spaces in which to explore and present new works, while also manipulating the traditional concepts of theatre and the space in which performing art is generally constrained. The change-up in performance space also benefits the community in which the festival occurs, bringing local businesses under the spotlight through their participation in the event and drawing people to places they may not have previously entered.
The line-up this year features a bunch of diverse acts, from a bunch of diverse people. 'Funny With Zombies', a show written and performed (and directed and produced, they did it all – the busy things) by local teens will take place in a car park, while Paul Culliver's latest show 'The Best Newcomer' will play in Stereo Espresso after a run at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Over in Eeny Meeny, Lauren Bok's debut solo show 'Is That A Burrito In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy You Have A Burrito' will take place with just enough spicy jalapeno to keep it all interesting. Or if you fancy a walk, join the Dash & D'Bree caravan 'Window Shopping Walking Tours', as it traipses through Frankston's shopping spots, dancing and singing all the way.

If history in a barber shop sounds like your thing, head on over to Lord & Master Barber to watch the crazy popular 'A Sunburnt History'; a satirical yet factual overlook of Australian history that has been touring extensively since 2012. Grab a hair trim or a shave and sit back on those ridiculously comfy hairdressing chairs as you watch some great Australian talent tell you about some great (and not-so-great) old Australian talents.
If you're after something a little quieter – or even something to do while trekking between performances – the festival has scheduled a bunch of more relaxed events all a-happening around Frankston. Coming to Wells Street every Thursday will be a cosy farmers' market, with more fresh produce and nibbles than the eye can see, as well as live entertainment to keep the good feels coming. Up on Cranbourne Road the Ballam Park Homestead Historical Society is opening the doors of the Ballam Park Homestead every Sunday afternoon, allowing visitors to wander through the 1855 homestead and listen to guided tours as they peruse the totally intact house and grounds.

Among the many events taking place at the Frankston Library, the Melbourne Writers Festival is hosting a rather secretive author's talk, with the speaker's name still to be revealed. We've been given a few clues – this hardworking lady has been featured more than once on the New York Times Bestseller list, and is, it seems, rather well-known. This one's a free event so get down on 22 August 22 and all will be revealed.
If that isn't enough to tickle your palette, remember all these events are either free or more than decently priced (mostly not more than twenty bucks unless it's a double bill). So you down in Frankston listen up! Two weeks of groovy as entertainment is coming to your doorstep, so make sure you clear your diaries and iCalendars.
Anywhere Festival Frankston runs 21 August – 6 September.