Five Things To Pretend To Be As Suggested By Andrew Galan

Andrew Galan
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Andrew Galan is an internationally published poet and co-producer of Australia’s nationally renowned poetry slam, BAD!SLAM!NO!BISCUIT!

His poetry is visceral, immediate, been described by reviewers as ‘riddled with satire’, and has showcased at events such as the Woodford, National Folk and Queensland Poetry festivals as well as Chicago’s Uptown Poetry Slam.

Andrew also has an active imagination, giving the five things he wants us to pretend to be.

A country & western-singing werewolf

Because howling, banjos, storytelling and turning into a monster just naturally go together.

A noir-dinosaur private eye

Who wouldn’t hire a noir-dinosaur private eye? NO ONE.

A spy on a mission in a food court

Don’t underestimate the importance of the food court to national, regional or local security. People gotta eat; what is in that bun that looks like it could or should be a pork bun?

A member of a tank crew

Vrooming around, pointing at things, blowing stuff up; you won’t get to do all of them in a tank, so choose one job and stick with it.

A freedom fighter who wins

Dying for a cause may seem cool, but that means you aren’t winning.

Andrew Galan will join Australian Slam champion Jesse John Brand and Australian Slam runner-up Abe Nouk at the monthly Ruckus open-mic slam on Wednesday 18 February.

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