Finale Review @ Adelaide Fringe 2019

Senior Writer
James is trained in classical/operatic voice and cabaret, but enjoys and writes about everything, from pro-wrestling to modern dance.

'Finale', a contemporary circus from Berlin, combines German athletic precision with the fun of the beer hall and the noise of an underground industrial night club.

Like perennial Adelaide Fringe favourites the '360 ALLSTARS', Germany’s ANALOG the company, have brought modern urban flavour to the big top.

There are still acrobats, clowns and jugglers, but the steam organ has been replaced by heavy drums and soulful live vocals; aside from a few traditional circus apparatuses, like a Cyr wheel, aerial hoop and a pole, the artists perform their tricks with the aid of beer crates, piles of discarded hardcovers and planks of wood they bought from Bunnings.

From the moment that the eight-member cast was introduced by a duo of charming and comedic street performers, it was clear this is a show without pretension; the audience was always the focus, engaged and immersed into the action, particularly in the vodka-laced finale of 'Finale'.

The skills of the performers are elite; acrobats stick their landings, even from immense heights, like a gymnast with a perfect ten; there are high velocity head-first descents from great altitude that halt inches from the ground, spine bending aerial contortions and a refined synthesis of juggling and percussion.

The action rarely ceases, save for some musical interludes led by the exuberant shot-pouring vocalist and electric ukulele playing Ena Wild and a dance break replete with smoke machines.

'Finale' is a grand way to start a night on the town, and who knows, the first drink might be on them if you are lucky.

★★★★☆ ½

'Finale' plays The Peacock at Gluttony until 17 March.

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