A journey of passion and despair, 'No One Likes Me' is an honest look at the struggles and pain of someone crying out for help.
Darren Vizer shows off his many talents of drag, dance and theatre in his topical show at the Adelaide Feast Festival. 'No One Likes Me' is a story about growing up different in a world that is not accepting. An emotional and raw autobiography that is heartbreaking at times but uplifting at others. An all too common hurdle of prejudice and a backdrop of drug use and sexually transmitted disease set the scene in this story.

It's my second time, I did a very small six-minute performance in 201, during a cabaret hour. I think we had eight people watching in a big tent. Very excited bringing my solo show to Feast, this is a really developed work now, and it’s a story people in Adelaide need to hear. I am considering this my proper, solo Adelaide Feast debut.
You are a man of many talents, how has this role challenged you as a performer?
This role is very demanding, emotionally challenging, raw and visceral. It takes lot courage to bear my heart out on the stage this way. Keeping it very honest, open, and sharing the story were I place it. Each time I do the work, it makes me stronger person, and tells me I am doing OK.

The story is relatable to me, it's my personal journey and could not get any more relevant to my life and the impact it's had, from early childhood to adulthood.
What sort of impact do you think a play like this has on people?
This story is provocative and gets a lot of people talking, it shifts perceptions, thoughts, ideas and challenges their own beliefs about parenting, bullying, sexuality, suicide and HIV.

Storytelling of this nature is very effective, as the audience are taken on a journey. People go on the ride and live it with you, moment by moment. They feel it, laugh and cry at the same time.
How important is it to create awareness of your character's story and struggles?
It's really important, allowing the audience in, to see each character understand their struggle, problems and joyous moments, helps connect the character to them, so they can relate it themselves.
What do you think the audience will be left feeling after the performance? What emotions will they feel during the story?
I want the audience to feel like they are OK too. People can go through a roller coaster of life, ups and downs, and still be able to come out the other end. Kids, family, friends, partners: all need love. People need to look out for one another and care more for each other, especially when some are not in a good place. I want them to feel joy, laughter, surprised, anger, confronted and sad all at the same time.

Are you excited about any of the other plays or acts that are taking place at the festival?
Very excited, I am only down for the weekend from Melbourne. I am hoping to fit in a Sunday show.
Do you enjoy playing this type of role and is this type of role in your future plans?
I love this role, it gives me a great sense of achievement. Looking forward to performing it at La Mama Theatre, Midsumma 2016. I want to take this work to Sydney and Brisbane then overseas. Developing my dance/theatre company Devize Co. All of my current works run under Devize Co. Hope to see you at my show and join me for a drink after the show.
'No One Likes Me' performs Nexus Theatre 20 & 21 November as part of Feast Festival.