The colour and characters of Cirque du Soleil’s all-new, mesmerising production, ‘Totem’, will arrive in Brisbane from 10 April, 2015 under the signature blue-and-yellow big top at Northshore Hamilton.
Written and directed by Robert Lepage, ‘Totem’ traces the journey of the human species from its original amphibian state to its ultimate desire to fly. The characters evolve on a stage evoking a giant turtle, the symbol of origin for many ancient civilisations.

Featuring a cast of 46 acrobats, actors, musicians and singers, ‘Totem’ is an uplifting array of athleticism, comedy, heartfelt emotions and surprising visual effects.

The Melbourne season of 'Totem' is currently underway and runs until 29 March; there are also seasons planned in Adelaide (opens 11 June) and Perth (opens 31 July).