Taking circus to a whole new level is 'Controlled Falling Project', a production combining the raw elements of circus, theatre, clowning, puppetry, dance and percussion.
Using a physical language that everyone can understand, the performers challenge the extremes of their physical abilities. James Brown, a NICA graduate, has been part of the show as it toured the world, stopping in 12 countries and entertaining over 190,000 audience members.
This show is like…?
A fusion of circus, theatre and live music and has also been compared to the old world silent movies. Set in an old-fashioned laboratory, three scientists conduct tests on themselves and measuring their physical boundaries is a mysterious scientist and his curious instruments. Together they explore physics and challenge the laws of gravity. Combining a seamless balance between impulsive energy and systematic actions, it's a thrilling demonstration of high-level acrobatic skill, performed with vitality and will take your breath away!
What is your role? And how did you become involved?
ThisSideUp was formed in 2006 by myself, Christian Schooneveldt-Reid and Casey Douglas, after we graduated from the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA). Our goal was to create full-length contemporary circus shows for Australian and International markets. Our most successful show is 'Controlled Falling Project' and began in the backyard and it has now developed into a world-class production. We have performed in 12 countries, in more than 80 festivals, to around 190,000 audience members.
Your fav skill to do on stage is?
I love performing my Roue Cyr act. Roue Cyr is a giant six-foot steel hoop which I stand inside, spin, roll and dance around the stage with.
What don't people know about falling?
Like everything there is a right and a wrong way to fall. We work with our acrobatics skills, demonstrating spectacular skills with control.
Did you try to fly as a kid? And any other madcap adventures growing up?
I think all young boys get up to mischief, try to fly at some point. As a hyperactive child, my parents put me into gymnastics and dance, I trained in both disciplines for ten years.
What kind of training have you done?
In 2001, I moved from Brisbane to Melbourne to trained for three years at NICA. It is still strange explaining to people I have a Degree in Circus!
What do you love about being a performer?
The life of a performer, while it can look quite glamorous, is still a job. A pretty cool job, but still hard work. We do a lot travel and touring, so living out of a suitcase becomes the norm. We get to meet a lot of cool, weird and wonderful people, and see some of the most amazing places around the world. I really enjoy entertaining people, performing our unique style of acrobatics and theatre.
What's your attitude towards the human body? Is anything possible?
'Controlled Falling Project' was developed in collaboration with highly respected Australian circus director Robin Laurie (Circus Oz). Building on our existing skill set, we spent four weeks creating and developing new material, characters, narrative and show aesthetics. The body definitely has limitations, but throughout this show we really do push it to its limits. We test strength, flexibility, power all while balancing on one arm.
What should audiences expect from the show?
An exciting hour of physical theatre and circus skills. Like all good shows, there are ups and downs, highs and lows.
Fav moment in the show and why?
In one routine we perform a type of puppet show, it is almost a game for us. We have rules however, and each night is different and we never know where it might go.
'Controlled Falling Project' is playing at the Redlands Performing Arts Centre (RPAC) on Tuesday June 3 and the Judith Wright Centre from June 4 – 7.